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Post by Redarmy »

Come to the conclusion whatever is needed as regards squad additions is ignored as WENGER would then NOT have an excuse

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Post by VAVAVOOM 14 »

gp543 wrote:
1. What has Ospina done to suggest that he is not a fully capable first-team keeper for now and the future? Keep in mind he is 6 years younger than Cech.

2. Do you really believe Wenger would buy in the same position two season in a row without, touch wood, a major injury to the current starter in that position?

3. Most importantly, do you believe Jose Mourinho/Roman Abramovich would sell us Petr Cech? Consider that he would not even loan us Demba Ba for a £3mil fee and Cech has a greater ability to influence matches than Ba.
It's not that Ospina has underperformed, he has done quite well, it's just that Cech is a tier above him and most other keepers . He walks in to any side in the world bar 3 or 4. Age does not affect keepers the way it does outfield players so that isn't a concern; we bought Lehmann when he was 34 and Van Der Saar was outstanding for United up until his retirement. Cech still has 3 or 4 top class yeas left.

The hope is that arrogant Pole is disgruntled on the bench and seeks a move away from the club. I think this is a likely scenario, especially if his brain dead dad is whispering in his ear telling him he's bigger than us and too good to sit on the bench. :roll: It is clear now that Ospina is preferred over him, so if Szcz fucks off Wenger probably would buy another keeper.

In general Chelsea wouldn't sell us AIDs on a tampon, but out of respect I think Mourinho/Abramovic would oblige Cech's wishes if he desired to come to Arsenal. He has given Chelsea over a decade of service and is one of their all time great players, I don't think they'd stand in his way if he really wanted to stay in London and join us.
Last edited by VAVAVOOM 14 on Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Seaman was 27 when he came to Arsenal not 32.

Ospina is a good keeper. He'll do for me and I thinkChesney Hawkes is a decent number 2.
I don't think we need to strengthen in that position. Personally I'd like to see a good quality (I won't say world class because it's an overused bullshit term) centre half that really knows how to lead the back line.

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Post by Redarmy »

SPUDMASHER wrote:Seaman was 27 when he came to Arsenal not 32.

Ospina is a good keeper. He'll do for me and I thinkChesney Hawkes is a decent number 2.
I don't think we need to strengthen in that position. Personally I'd like to see a good quality (I won't say world class because it's an overused bullshit term) centre half that really knows how to lead the back line.
That age is nothing for a world class keeper
As for that deluded tosser Chesney, quicker he fucks off the better, he is a TOTAL liability

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Post by Theoperator »

SPUDMASHER wrote:Paying high ticket prices is irrelevant. That's simply down to the law of supply and demand. If we didn't have big queues of people waiting for tickets the prices wouldn't be as high. If attendance at Grimsby was as over-subscribed as they are at the grove then their prices would be higher too.
No amount of whining from the discontent fanbase is going to make a shred of difference to the way the club is run. You may as well just sit back and enjoy supporting the team. All you end up doing is winding yourself up to the point whereby you are no longer enjoying going to the football. The point of supporting a club is to have an escape from the worries and pressures of the world and having a bit of downtime with your friends. If it's getting to the point where you are no longer enjoying it because of the internal politics of the club or that you feel that you're being taken for a ride then there is one simple thing to do isn't there? Just get off the ride and go do something different instead!
Each season there are three trophies up for grabs for 90% of the clubs. Nobody has a right to expect their team to win one of them. We all have a right to want them to. Sometimes we get lucky or hit a run of good form that results in winning something. It doesn't happen every year and to be honest it would be quite boring if it did.
Currently the club I support is 2nd out of 92 professional clubs in the country. They're in an FA Cup semi final with a good prospect of not only reaching that final but winning it. They're playing decent football which is on the whole enjoyable to watch. Occasionally they frustrate the crap out of me when they under perform and sometimes the manager makes bizarre decisions that I cannot see the sense in. It won't stop me supporting them because on the whole they're doing quite well. I enjoy being an Arsenal supporter. I'm proud of the achievements of the club, team and manager and I thank my lucky stars that I chose to support them rather than some of the other shite out there. Most importantly though, and this is what I fear that many people that support the same club have forgotten, is that I know what their role is in my life. Their role is to give me a short term distraction every week or so away from the rigours of work and daily life. When I forget that and start tensing myself up into a tight little knot of frustration and anger, I'll stop watching them because either they or I have forgotten what they're there for.
Spot on Spuddy. Given the amazing teams and success we have had over many years our hopes are pumped up more than most fans. But we dont have a right to win a thing, and TBF most teams fans (Except Real Madrids maybe :roll: would give anything to be in the position we are and have been in for years.

I know that dont please some but thats life :|

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Post by augie »

armchair wrote:
SPUDMASHER wrote: I'm no AKB (ask those on here that actually know me) but.........
i should maybe point out that I'm not a WOB either. I'm just somebody that has been supporting Arsenal for many years and don't feel the need for a label. I Have my own opinions and think that neither of the two extremes of the argument are correct. No club should have the expectations put upon them that some of our spoiled supporters demand.
Those that feel that today's team isn't goo enough should take a trip to the 70's and 80's and watch some of the shit that was dished up then. Then they'd probably more appreciative of what they're seeing today

Do you honestly think that it is that straight forward spuddy ?? :shock: :shock:

Previous successes has nothing to do with expectations but likewise shit teams in our history should play no part in those expectations - you are saying that we were shit in the 70's and 80's so should be grateful for where we are now, but some fans will suggest that because of glories a decade ago we shouldnt accept where we are now and both are equally wrong imo. We are so close to success that we can almost taste it. We are being held back from that success largely by the manager. He is the guy that decides who to buy, where to play them, what formation to play and what tactics to use.......all of these decisions have played a big part in our lack of recent success. He is also responsible for motivating his players and too many times our teams apathy on the pitch has been nothing short of disgraceful for a proud club built on fighting spirit. Would you accept that the manager sanctioned to sale of rvp to manure ? This was as disgraceful a decision as he has made in recent years in my opinion - to sell your best player to one of your main rivals is a stupid and disrespectful decision and it was shown up for the fcuk up that it was, when he led the manc scum to the title in his first season. People will argue that he wanted out and that he wanted to join them but tbh that is irrelevant imo - he was under contract and the club had the power to decide where he went, so they should have either sold him abroad or let him run down his contract because no big club would have wanted him the following season at his age.

I understand your arguing that ticket prices are irrelevent and I agree with your supply and demand argument, but I do agree that they are totally irrelevent - when people pay a fortune season after season, they are entitled (in my opinion) to question where that money is going and how it is being spent. If they are dissatisfied with those answers then they are perfectly right to voice that displeasure and in this business the outlet for those arguments are limited. When you go to a top resturantnt and you pay top whack, then you are entitled to expect better than fish and chips. When you are asked to pay that kings ransom up front then you are well fcuked when you realise that you have another 9 months of shit meals in front of you and have nothing you can do about it. We were sold a dream when we left highbury and that dream has turned out to be a load of shit. We were told that money was tight but yet we are paying le cock 7.5m per season and have consistantly overpaid some absolute shit players (many of whom have set up camp in the physio room :roll: ) and these decisions all come back to wenger's door - we are constantly told that he is the king decision maker inside the club so he then has to be held accountable for these fcuk ups, instead of handing him a massive new contract :evil:

Contrary to what you suggest, I and many other fans, do not expect success but we sure as hell demand that the club, manager and players do everything they can to achieve success and that hasnt been happening :cry:

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Post by Bradywasking »

Agree with augie there, it is not about demanding success or being spoiled by previous success , it is about our club being competitive. This season is a case in point. We are now the second best team (current form) in the Premier League and with seven games left we are no closer to winning the title than any times since 2004 , with the honourable exception of 2008.
I lived through the 70s and 80s and it was dire. The relegation battles of 1974-1976 , the predictable Cup exits of the 80s. The direst of football under Terry Neill at times. Losing at QPR on Easter Monday 1976 believing we were condemned to Division 2.
Having experienced all of that hasn't left me thinking how lucky I (we) are now.

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To be honest though Augie I think your views of AW are so extreme now that you couldn't give him any credit regardless of anything he did. In fact I'd go as far as to say that your views are almost becoming a parody of themselves and are losing credibility as a result. We can all see the flaws but I personally don't feel the need to bang on about them in every post I write.
If we won the treble for the next five seasons with Giroud and Wellbeck both netting 30 a season you'd still be complaining about 'Le Cock' and 'Wellshit' and telling us Giroud will never be good enough for Arsenal. You'd put the success down to luck and suggest that we won those trophies in spite of Wenger not because of him.

You need to lighten up about it all mate or you're heading for the stroke clinic.

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Post by Supagoon »

We need a GK 100%

Frankly if Woj wants to be a no2/no3 he can stay, but in my eyes he is not good enough to be a no1 let alone for a club that wants to challenge seriously for the league.

If by some crazy circumstance we can get Cech, get him!

Ospina is a steady eddy. He is not outstanding, but he is calm and that reflects in the defence. Moving away from the eccentric Sczezny, the nervous fabianksi and the incapable Almunia is a great relief. However, I think we need a GK that can gain us several pts a season. I know that's not easy but we have to try, it can make all the difference.

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Post by DB10GOONER »

SPUDMASHER wrote:To be honest though Augie I think your views of AW are so extreme now that you couldn't give him any credit regardless of anything he did. In fact I'd go as far as to say that your views are almost becoming a parody of themselves and are losing credibility as a result. We can all see the flaws but I personally don't feel the need to bang on about them in every post I write.
If we won the treble for the next five seasons with Giroud and Wellbeck both netting 30 a season you'd still be complaining about 'Le Cock' and 'Wellshit' and telling us Giroud will never be good enough for Arsenal. You'd put the success down to luck and suggest that we won those trophies in spite of Wenger not because of him.

You need to lighten up about it all mate or you're heading for the stroke clinic.


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not meant to offend at all, just saying how I see it. Augie is a big fella (bit ugly too) I'm sure he can deal with it and give as good as he gets.

I think Augie is the Nigel Farage of the forum but instead of Foreigners Foreigners and Foreigners being blamed for everything it is Wenger Wenger and Wenger :lol: :wink:

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Supagoon wrote:We need a GK 100%

Frankly if Woj wants to be a no2/no3 he can stay, but in my eyes he is not good enough to be a no1 let alone for a club that wants to challenge seriously for the league.

If by some crazy circumstance we can get Cech, get him!

Ospina is a steady eddy. He is not outstanding, but he is calm and that reflects in the defence. Moving away from the eccentric Sczezny, the nervous fabianksi and the incapable Almunia is a great relief. However, I think we need a GK that can gain us several pts a season. I know that's not easy but we have to try, it can make all the difference.

Nothing wrong with a steady Eddie. I recall Nutty Nigel and Dicko being exactly that. They never shone but they never had a mare (barring the occasional 50 yard own goal :lol: ). I'd happily have players of that ability in the team although I do accept you maybe want something a bit more in goal. I think Ospina has it in him to be worth a few points each season.

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Post by markyp »

the Cech situation as I understand it is as follows;he was told that if he stayed at Chavski as a number 2 for this season then at the end of it he would be granted a move of his choice firstly for 10 years great service to the chavs and secondly because he is such a good keeper he deserves a move of his choice.if we want Cech the chavs wouldn't stop him,sadly though I cant see Wenker moving for him which is a shame as Ospina as no 2 with Cech our no 1 would be awesome and regards sir chez well he can just do one the bloody joker

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Post by augie »

SPUDMASHER wrote:not meant to offend at all, just saying how I see it. Augie is a big fella (bit ugly too) I'm sure he can deal with it and give as good as he gets.

I think Augie is the Nigel Farage of the forum but instead of Foreigners Foreigners and Foreigners being blamed for everything it is Wenger Wenger and Wenger :lol: :wink:

And I'm not offended at all and would always have respected your views even if I sometimes disagree with them.

I would actually agree with a lot of what you wrote about my views on le cock - I enjoy the victories against the likes of the victims but I don't enjoy the victories as much against the likes of the shammers because it always leads to a wankathon by the pro wenker faction as they claim that their messiah will again lead us to glory :roll: I have always lived by the view that you sometimes need to take a step backwards in order to allow yourself to go two steps forward and this very much applies to Arsenal nowadays - every season is a groundhog day and nothing will ever change until the manager is replaced and until we put a proper structure in place that allows other coaches/ceo's etc to do the jobs for which they were hired :roll: One man holding that much power cannot be right and if we need to suffer a bit to get rid of wenker, then I am ok with that 8)

Regarding my credibility, I have to say that I don't really care tbh - since I have joined here (8 years ago :shock: :shock: ) I have never gone with the popular point of view and have always called things as I see them regardless of whether it makes me liked/disliked/hated or whatever. I feel (although you obviously don't agree :lol: ) that I haven't posted as much of late because I don't see things changing and am fed up saying the same things :oops: However it saddens me to the core that we have gone from a club that strives for success all the time, to a club that now thinks small time in every aspect of the club (except merchandising of course :roll: ), and we now justify ourselves by comparing ourselves to every two bob club in the country that would love to be in our place :(

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Post by Sam59 »

Wenger got lucky with some injuries this season, which forced his hand into playing Cazorla and Coquelin. Frightening to think that Cazorla was benched so that our attacking midfield could be built around Wilshere. With Jack now fit, it might be again.

Wenger won't spend big on a keeper. Cech would be north of £10m? Can't see it. Wenger has called for another player who can get us 15 goals a season. If he spends big, probably be on another striker or attacking midfielder. He doesn't reckon that world class keepers like de Gea have probably added about 15 points worth - Utd have looked better lately but without de Gea they'd not be top 4.

Chelsea are reportedly interested in Schneiderlin now. His price will be very high. Too high for us probably. I reckon Wenger will LANS us Diaby....this is my main problem with Wenger. He's a long way short of being the truly terrible manager some portray him as, but he always leaves us just a bit short of the ability and consistency to really challenge for the PL (CL is out of reach) by wrong selections, tactics or failure to buy players of sufficient quality to add to the few world class players he has bought. He's the kind of guy who buys an Armani suit and wears it with TK Maxx trainers.

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