Maggie Thatcher Dead

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by LDB »

Nos89 wrote:The duty of the prime minister is protect the lives of all the people in Great Britain.
Disagree, the duty of the prime minister is to do what is best for the country as a whole to secure a viable economic future. There was no future in mining, there was no future in the docks, no future in shipbuilding and frankly the government would be in neglect of its duties if it allowed the old economy to limp on any further. Heck, these things were on the way out before Thatcher came to power anyway, she at least managed to cobble together an alternative which brought in 25 years of economic prosperity. The radio is full of people today linking the current "state" of the country with what Thatcher did, just think for a minute what state the country would be in if we hadn't positioned ourselves at the forefront of technological change in the 80s and stayed on the path we were on in the 70s..

I think a lot of the problem with Thatcher is that she had an aggressive rhetoric that gave people the impression that she was doing what she wanted rather then what needed to be done, if she'd toned it down, showed sympathy and spoke softer at times the same policies might have not got the same level of hatred. Oh and you can add her treatment of football fans to the things I don't support..

Feel free to call me a *word censored* guys, I just find these discussions interesting but I promise this is the last time I bore you all. Definitely. Maybe. 8) :wink:

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by safcftm »

LDB wrote:
There are many ghost towns in America from where the industry of that town became out of date and people got on their bikes to move where the work is. It's not nice to force families to displace from their roots and no sane human likes it but It's a harsh fact of industrial progress that certain industries get left behind and replaced, the difference is that in this country people stay put and expect the rest of the country to prop them up. Maybe if more people had got on their bikes and moved to the work we wouldn't have spent the last 15 years flooding the country with migrant labour. There have been efforts to provide work in these areas, I can see this by the way I have to send any correspondence with the government to fucking Liverpool or some such place but this can only get you so far, as you seem to realise.

It's not nice and it's not fair but life is rarely either of those :?
The trouble was that she put so many people out of work - its not as if whole swathes of Scotland and the North of England (and Wales etc) could just uproot and move en masse to the south! Plus it wasn't as if there was much other heavy industry for them to move into, you're talking about people with an entirely different skill set from that required for the jobs that were being created in many cases, a hell of a lot would need to have been spent on training etc and, whilst I can't comment for certain, I haven't heard of much of this being made available.

As for migrant labour, this was always going to happen regardless, especially before the introduction of a minimum wage - people rightly expected to be able to earn enough to look after their families whereas immigrants would, in many cases, be happy to work for very, very little in order to get into the country. More specialist fields such as medicine etc could have had less need for migrant labour but again a hell of a lot of retraining was needed, you can't expect a ship builder or a miner to suddenly become a doctor.

I genuinely don't think it was just a case of "oh well, no jobs here, let's get on our bikes and find other work". Uprooting your whole family can be difficult especially when there's a load of people unemployed, you don't have any money and a lot of the jobs are nothing like comparable. It appears that very little support was offered to the people who lost their jobs, throughout the whole period Thatcher demonstrated that she didn't simply appear callous and uncaring due to her voice/ stature etc, she genuinely just didn't give a fuck about people who wouldn't vote for her anyway and the unions (who certainly didn't help matters I agree) had pissed her off.

She did what she felt she had to do (or what she wanted to do) but she destroyed a lot of lives and a lot of areas in the process and so its no surprise that a lot of people are happy that she died scared, confused and alone, she left many others in that state and they weren't in the fucking Ritz at the time. As for Whelan and Madjeski wanting a minutes silence, well the latter might want to check who his team are playing, it would be a disaster, and I seriously doubt many Wigan (or Millwall) fans would "honour" her either. I just hope that Mike Ashley is stupid enough to suggest it at the north east derby, I've never heard both sets of fans join together for a minute and trust me, if he dared to implement a minutes silence at the derby that is exactly what would happen, our lot would happily join with the mags for once and vice versa, some things transcend football.

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by flash gunner »

I dont have a problem with people hating Thatcher and the posts from safcftm i can understand the hatred i just don't understand how people can celebrate her death or the death of anyone..... Celebrate the day she lost her job as PM yeah of course but her death!! it just bothers me big time that you can celebrate the death of someone :? personally i think its disgusting and reflects very badly on 21st century Britain

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by safcftm »

flash gunner wrote:I dont have a problem with people hating Thatcher and the posts from safcftm i can understand the hatred i just don't understand how people can celebrate her death or the death of anyone..... Celebrate the day she lost her job as PM yeah of course but her death!! it just bothers me big time that you can celebrate the death of someone :? personally i think its disgusting and reflects very badly on 21st century Britain
I think for many people her death has just been a form of closure, they feel that she was responsible for people they know suffering badly (and losing their lives in some cases) and they feel that her "legacy" is still being felt in their areas. The fact that she has never shown any form of remorse for the suffering that her policies caused means it was always likely that people would be happy that she's finally gone. Her simply being out of office whilst still earning a fortune and having a very good standard of living wouldn't be much of a reason for people to be happy, she probably enjoyed her later years more than her time in office (until she started getting confused etc but if people celebrated that stage it would be just as disgusting as celebrating her death). I don't think its just Britain, if people feel strongly (in a negative way) about someone they'll often be happy that they've died, people in other countries celebrated the death of Bin Laden and Hussein, I'm sure Hitler's demise was celebrated heartily as well. Was she as bad as these people? Undoubtedly not but to those celebrating she had a more personal negative affect on their lives.

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by flash gunner »

Sorry mate i don't agree you could see when she resigned in 90 or 91 she was red eyed she loved the job as PM surely seeing her obviously crying made her haters happy........ and then losing her husband a good few years ago i'm sure (and i've seen with my own mother) that being a widow made her deeply unhappy and probably not the same person ever again and not enjoying her later years more than her time in office as you said. I dislike maybe even hate a few people in my personal life i would never wish death or illness upon them :?

Also If her policies are still hurting today then her death absolutely NO closure for anyone surely....

and yeah ive seen celebrations of deaths before mainly in far off places where the downtrodden uneducated few take to the streets but even when New Yorkers took to the streets to celebrate Bin Ladens death i thought that was equally disgusting

I can't see the point for minutes silence at football matches (apart from the fact it would NOT be observed) i think there are too many minutes silences these days lets kep them for genuine tragedies (not an old lady passing away) or football related incidents

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by QuartzGooner »

Nos89 wrote: Someone earlier mentioned about Liverpool was built on slavery. That is true, they don't seem to mention that too often. Take a visit to the slavery museum on the docks, however, what's that got to do with thatcher?
I mentioned it.
Why should Liverpool be a place of any great wealth?
Hard to reach by land - stuck out on a peninsula, a port city with access to a stormy sea and a need for ships to divert south to sail across the Atlantic.
If it was not for slavery, would Liverpool have been any more than a small town based on fishing and raw material unloading at the docks for transport to Lancashire mills?
In the mid 16th century, it was a village of 500 people.
London had about 65,000 people at that time.

I do not have exact figures, maybe nobody does, but when I went there I saw a city where the core wealth and catalyst for it even being a city, was based on the 18th century and early 19th economy, with some further growth on into the 19th century when the railways arrived.
Without slavery, and with the decline of Northern manufacturing, Liverpool was destined to decline in wealth.
It was in a bad state before Thatcher came to power.
The docks became obsolete by the mid 70's, just how London's did.

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by shu »

flash gunner wrote:I dont have a problem with people hating Thatcher and the posts from safcftm i can understand the hatred i just don't understand how people can celebrate her death or the death of anyone..... Celebrate the day she lost her job as PM yeah of course but her death!! it just bothers me big time that you can celebrate the death of someone :? personally i think its disgusting and reflects very badly on 21st century Britain
I agree and it totally reflects on what society has become . Some of you should be ashamed but you won't . Mrs T was before my time but i know a lot that happeneded, for someone so hated funny how she got voted in three tmes.

I wonder how Tony Blair will be remembered ?

Well said Flash for showing some dignity , humility and class . That costs nothing but says more about you than the vitriol and hate posted by others .

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by augie »

DarylAFC wrote:
MK Gould wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Falklands war MK? I'd say thats one of the few things she actually did well :?
It was her policies that caused the Falklands war...!!

And why was she so willing to sacrifice so many lives in defence of a small group of farmers on the other side of the world while at the same time destroying whole communities in our own back yard...
Sorry mate, I hate her but we have a duty to protect British land and it's people, regardless where it is. The Flaklands was something she did right. That's about all she did right.

I know that this might piss people off somewhat but this is a political thread so I am going to ask this you see any bit of irony in your statement ? I get that many years ago the british, the germans and the romans were all about expanding their empires and conquering other countries but isnt that day long gone now ? The falklands is approx 8000 miles away from the uk (I googled that 8) ) and was just another island/colony that britian took over many years ago but that hardly qualifies it as being british land does it ? All over the world countries have, for want of a better phrase, been given back to the people that it rightly belongs to and her sending in your army and asking your soldiers to lay their lives on the line for a piece of land 8000 miles away doesnt seem right to me

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by flash gunner »

augie wrote:
DarylAFC wrote:
MK Gould wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Falklands war MK? I'd say thats one of the few things she actually did well :?
It was her policies that caused the Falklands war...!!

And why was she so willing to sacrifice so many lives in defence of a small group of farmers on the other side of the world while at the same time destroying whole communities in our own back yard...
Sorry mate, I hate her but we have a duty to protect British land and it's people, regardless where it is. The Flaklands was something she did right. That's about all she did right.

I know that this might piss people off somewhat but this is a political thread so I am going to ask this you see any bit of irony in your statement ? I get that many years ago the british, the germans and the romans were all about expanding their empires and conquering other countries but isnt that day long gone now ? The falklands is approx 8000 miles away from the uk (I googled that 8) ) and was just another island/colony that britian took over many years ago but that hardly qualifies it as being british land does it ? All over the world countries have, for want of a better phrase, been given back to the people that it rightly belongs to and her sending in your army and asking your soldiers to lay their lives on the line for a piece of land 8000 miles away doesnt seem right to me
A few weeks ago the islanders were given a chance to choose to stay British or not they voted 99.9% in favour of staying a British colony (or whatever its called) This in my book makes them British and we have a duty to defend British land. If the people wanted the land to be Argentinian or an independent country like after the days of the Empire then that would be fine but they dont

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by augie »

Flash there is a large population in northern ireland that would vote for remaining part of britian rather than being an independent country for fear of whether they would survive on their own - it is a totally understandable viewpoint imo and maybe there is a degree of that with falklands people too as most of them have known nothing but british rule but my point is the fact that britian "won" the falklands through war/battle does not make it british land imo. That is not me trying to be contraversal but apart from clinging on to "the british empire" ideal, what benefit does owning the falklands have ? :? If thatcher played as prominent a role as some of ye suggest, in the breaking down of the berlin wall and giving east germany back to the germans then shouldnt she have applied the same principle with the falklands ?

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by goonersid »

flash gunner wrote:
augie wrote:
DarylAFC wrote:
MK Gould wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Falklands war MK? I'd say thats one of the few things she actually did well :?
It was her policies that caused the Falklands war...!!

And why was she so willing to sacrifice so many lives in defence of a small group of farmers on the other side of the world while at the same time destroying whole communities in our own back yard...
Sorry mate, I hate her but we have a duty to protect British land and it's people, regardless where it is. The Flaklands was something she did right. That's about all she did right.

I know that this might piss people off somewhat but this is a political thread so I am going to ask this you see any bit of irony in your statement ? I get that many years ago the british, the germans and the romans were all about expanding their empires and conquering other countries but isnt that day long gone now ? The falklands is approx 8000 miles away from the uk (I googled that 8) ) and was just another island/colony that britian took over many years ago but that hardly qualifies it as being british land does it ? All over the world countries have, for want of a better phrase, been given back to the people that it rightly belongs to and her sending in your army and asking your soldiers to lay their lives on the line for a piece of land 8000 miles away doesnt seem right to me
A few weeks ago the islanders were given a chance to choose to stay British or not they voted 99.9% in favour of staying a British colony (or whatever its called) This in my book makes them British and we have a duty to defend British land. If the people wanted the land to be Argentinian or an independent country like after the days of the Empire then that would be fine but they dont
Of course they did flash, they are fucking planters and have no right to be there in the first place. If they want stay then they should accept that the Falklands are Argentine. :roll:

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by flash gunner »

goonersid wrote:Of course they did flash, they are fucking planters and have no right to be there in the first place. If they want stay then they should accept that the Falklands are Argentine. :roll:
Why? Because they are close to Argentina? OK the Channel Islands are now French. New Zealand now belongs to Australia. Many of the people on the Falklands have had generations of family living there, many are Chilean or of Chilean descent yet they voted yes too. Im not harking back for the days of empire and rightly so if countries want independence they deserve to have it, but it has to come from the people that live within that land.

Im not sure the percentages but the problem with Northern Ireland Sid is half the people want to be Irish and half want to be British, you must have seen many of the troubles, how the fuck do you sort that out? but when people of a country vote almost 100% to stay as they are there is very little argument, surely

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Re: Maggie Thatcher Dead

Post by safcftm »

There is no argument on this earth for the Falklands being Argentinian. Hell, we were on the Falklands before Argentina even fucking existed. Its nearer Argentina, mint, Greenland is nearer Canada than Denmark, Alaska is nearer Canada than the USA, it doesn't mean you automatically get to claim a place just because its nearer. Since the UN believes in self determination I'm happy to let the islanders choose for themselves and they just did. Argentina can fuck right off, especially that bitch of a president since, tbh, most Argentinians aren't even bothered about the islands and know perfectly well that its sabre rattling from a president desperate to take attention away from her failings at home.

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by goonersid »

flash gunner wrote:
goonersid wrote:Of course they did flash, they are fucking planters and have no right to be there in the first place. If they want stay then they should accept that the Falklands are Argentine. :roll:
Why? Because they are close to Argentina? OK the Channel Islands are now French. New Zealand now belongs to Australia. Many of the people on the Falklands have had generations of family living there, many are Chilean or of Chilean descent yet they voted yes too. Im not harking back for the days of empire and rightly so if countries want independence they deserve to have it, but it has to come from the people that live within that land.

Im not sure the percentages but the problem with Northern Ireland Sid is half the people want to be Irish and half want to be British, you must have seen many of the troubles, how the fuck do you sort that out? but when people of a country vote almost 100% to stay as they are there is very little argument, surely
Flash I can assure you I don't want to be part of a united Ireland and have held a British passport since I was 16, which I chose myself. I do consider myself Irish, but I ain't that fucking stupid not to know which side my bread is buttered. :wink: :lol:

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Re: Thatcher Dead

Post by flash gunner »

goonersid wrote:
flash gunner wrote:
goonersid wrote:Of course they did flash, they are fucking planters and have no right to be there in the first place. If they want stay then they should accept that the Falklands are Argentine. :roll:
Why? Because they are close to Argentina? OK the Channel Islands are now French. New Zealand now belongs to Australia. Many of the people on the Falklands have had generations of family living there, many are Chilean or of Chilean descent yet they voted yes too. Im not harking back for the days of empire and rightly so if countries want independence they deserve to have it, but it has to come from the people that live within that land.

Im not sure the percentages but the problem with Northern Ireland Sid is half the people want to be Irish and half want to be British, you must have seen many of the troubles, how the fuck do you sort that out? but when people of a country vote almost 100% to stay as they are there is very little argument, surely
Flash I can assure you I don't want to be part of a united Ireland and have held a British passport since I was 16, which I chose myself. I do consider myself Irish, but I ain't that fucking stupid not to know which side my bread is buttered. :wink: :lol:
Pleased to hear it :lol: :wink:
