The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:34 pm
Rugby Gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:14 pm
OneBardGooner wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:52 pm
For those with an interest in Politics and / or politicians this is a rather fine speech by Dennis Skinner Labour MP For Bolsover - definitely worth a listen - If you cannot spare the 15 minutes - just go to 11 minutes in..... The Last 2 minutes are Sensational...He speaks with Utter Passion.

phpBB [video]
I had to phone Dennis once to confirm his attendance at a meeting.However his Mum answered,and when I explained why I was phoning she simply said,"Don't worry love,if I say he'll be there he'll fucking be there."
I also met him in a miners club in Chesterfield when we went up there to campaign with Tony Benn during a By-Election.
His quip to Black Rod at this years state opening was quality,"You best get a move on lad,first race is at 2.30."
The Beast of Bolsover,top bloke.
Rare and definitely Old Skool. Once had a brief chat with him outside the Houses of Parliament - During the Miners Strike in 84/85 and I was telling him how myself and others who had been supporting the miners by collecting food, clothes, blankets etc - Had had our phones tapped by MI5 and he laughed saying something along the lines, of we should expect it and made reference to other 'going's on' all over the country, especially anyone connected with the miners or their struggles.

I had brought a packed lunch with me and gave him my apple - which he grateful ate as we talked sat on a bench...a genuinely Sincere, Honest Man.
Another Old Skool,honest one,and a mate,Dave Nellist.Once MP for Coventry S.E.
Campaigned,and won the seat on the slogan,"A working mans MP,on a working mans wage."
He would have been destroyed by todays Rad Fems for that one,but he practised what he preached.He took the average working mans wage out of his MP's salary,lived off that supporting a wife and kids,and gave the rest away to charities,unemployed groups etc.He published monthly accounts to prove that he was honouring his election promise.
His reward,the Labour Party de-selected him because of his association with Militant.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Rugby Gooner wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:19 pm
I have seen the,"Justice For Grenfell" banners,and I agree.
Any genuine victims of that terrible incident should be fully compensated,supported,and re-housed within their community.
Anyone found to have been illegally sub-letting their publicly funded accommodation should be prosecuted.
Anyone found to be illegal immigrants sub-letting these flats should be deported.
I can hear the whines from the liberals now,but rules should apply to everyone or no-one.
I have seen sjw's on Channel 4 ,demanding that the immigration status of people caught up in the fire should not be investigated.
Why the fuck not?
If these people are here illegally,and abusing the Benefit system they should be made to account for what they have done,or,do we adopt the pc attitude,and rip the piss out of the British taxpayers,and if anyone questions what they are doing,tar them as racists. :banghead:
Absolutely top marks to Camden Council Leader Georgia Gould for stepping up and doing the right thing regardless of cost etc. :barscarf:
She has ordered the evacuation of 800 Households from High Rise blocks,while cladding is removed.
Fuck Sadiq Khan,for trying to hang on to her coat tails,and attach himself to the respect she is receiving. :evil:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Allgunsblazin »

Herd wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:59 am
Allgunsblazin wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:11 pm
Herd wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:49 pm
Allgunsblazin wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:12 am
Rugby Gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:58 am

Here we go.
A Neo-Liberal coalition has organised a ,"Day of Rage" today to quote,"Bring down the Government by ANY MEANS NECESSARY."
They obviously have no respect for the democratic process.I don't support the Tory Government,but accept the result of the vote.
They have the same opinion of the referendum decision.They didn't get the result that THEY wanted,so they want it run again.
Also,for "Day of Rage" read, Day of a bit of criminal damage and consequence free looting in central London,using the misery of the victims/families of Grenfell Tower,as their justification. :evil:

And you can the thank your Loony Left Anarchistic low lying pond life who add nothing to this economy for this outrage...
One thing I like about Putin is that he takes no shit and somehow the scum just disappear, puff paff poof!.... 8)

I can only give one piece of advice, if you are working in central London you are a justifiable target for the have nots, they will just smash your head in and take what they consider is fair bounty...
Well done Corbin and Khan you scumbags.
Not only are we in a state of emergency so why not stretch the Police a little further...
Fuck off you stupid moronic hate filled tory loving two bob c unt ! Never seen such rubbish on here and trust me there's a lot of it !
Explain how you come to the idiotic conclusion that I am a Tory...
Tell you one thing pal, bet you have never been near a mine down a pit grafting like a pit pony, true Labour Harold Wilson style..
Your just a little southern socialist who talks the talk but never walks the walk...
Yes I am a southern socialist and that's because I'm from London ,your very perceptive there .
Unfortunately there weren't too many Pits in Islington when I grew up in my nice leafy lane .
As for walking and talking you have zero idea !
All I was doing when digging you out was to use the same sort of language you used towards Corbyn .
Im not little though !
Hope that clears things up for you
I know....

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Allgunsblazin »

I still cannot fathom how these combustible slabs were used in tower blocks, and got signed off in today's Elf and Safety conscious society...

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Allgunsblazin wrote:
Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:44 pm
I still cannot fathom how these combustible slabs were used in tower blocks, and got signed off in today's Elf and Safety conscious society...
As i understand it the panels are allowed to have combustible material in the middle as long as they are fitted correctly, mad isn't it :banghead:

Also interestingly i watched a program the other night which said the material in the Fridge-freezer which caused the initial fire and is used for the insulation is also combustible however due to 'regulations' it is one of the few affordable alternatives that meets current industry standards, non-flamable alternatives fail to meet other regulations for H&S, consumer society requirements means that compromises have to be made i guess :roll:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

A Sikh couple are suing their Local Authority because they will not allow them to adopt a White/English baby because of the cultural issues that may arise.
I seem to remember Black activists arguing that White people should not be allowed to adopt Black or Asian babies for the same reason. :roll:
Double standards again.
For the record,my view is that as long as they fulfil all the safety and legal criteria,and they have an open attitude to race and culture,the most suitable candidates should be allowed to adopt,regardless of the race of the baby,or the adopters.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by OneBardGooner »

Frankie Boyle: The first 2 minutes of this will have bible bashers reaching for their bibles, holy water and prayer beads.

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:barscarf: 8) :lol:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

David Lammy MP,has now stated that the person appointed to head the inquiry into Grenfell should not have been chosen because he is aWhite,middle-aged male,who has never slept on the 20th floor of a tower block,(how he knows this I do not know).
Lammy says that it should be headed by an ethnic minority person,or a woman.Presumably a combination of the two would be ideal.
How does this arsehole,and others of his ilk,get away with spouting this racist shit?
I heard a radio phone-in where someone asked why most if not all of the residents of that block were from ethnic minorities,and why although the authorities had discovered widespread abuse of their properties,ie: illegal subletting,and overcrowding,none of the offenders would be prosecuted.
He was immediately shut down as a racist and cut off.
How come people like Lammy never receive this sort of response from the media?

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Herd »

Council House subletting is very widespread , also the government wont want you to see how few UK citizens actually have tenancies in todays London because successive councils have simply given them away to the refugee of the month in the 90's and the eu migrant of the week there after.
Of course they have all denied doing that but it is true !
I hear all the time about white flight ,particularly regarding Tower Hamlets but the brutal fact remains is that 30 years of racist housing policy has resulted in purging white people from this and other boroughs !
You will get cut off for mentioning this on LBC or other mainstream broadcasters !

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by GoonerMuzz »

On the subject above could you imagine being up in court and saying i'm sorry but i don't want this judge to preside over my case because he's Black or Asian, fcuk me the shit storm that would raise but this comment goes by with nary a whimper in the press, seriously don't understand how we've got to where we are with PC, it has gone from the sublime to the rediculous in just over 20 years :roll:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

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A group of feminists have launched a campaign today demanding that 50% of all headline acts at all major festivals should be women. :D

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Just seen a report on Sky News about trouble in a migrant camp in Greece.
They were interviewing some of the camps residents.
The muslim ones said that they ,"didn't want to live with Africans," for fear of being killed,and the Africans interviewed said that they didn't want to live with muslims because they were terrorists.
So could the pc brigade please let me know ,as they were all from what would be called "ethnic minorities",which were racist,which were islamophobic,xenophobic,or are they exempt. :roll:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

Rugby Gooner wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:27 am
Just seen a report on Sky News about trouble in a migrant camp in Greece.
They were interviewing some of the camps residents.
The muslim ones said that they ,"didn't want to live with Africans," for fear of being killed,and the Africans interviewed said that they didn't want to live with muslims because they were terrorists.
So could the pc brigade please let me know ,as they were all from what would be called "ethnic minorities",which were racist,which were islamophobic,xenophobic,or are they exempt. :roll:
There certainly is a thing with the media presenting racists and bigots as only being white people. :roll: :banghead:

But I've seen and met racist Whites, Blacks (can we still use that word?), Asians (Far and near East variants thereof), Europeans, Americans, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Africans, Arabs, East Europeans, South Americans, you name it. :x :censored:

Happily I've also seen and met nice normal people from most or all of those races/peoples/religions/minorities/demographics. 8)

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:13 pm
Rugby Gooner wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:27 am
Just seen a report on Sky News about trouble in a migrant camp in Greece.
They were interviewing some of the camps residents.
The muslim ones said that they ,"didn't want to live with Africans," for fear of being killed,and the Africans interviewed said that they didn't want to live with muslims because they were terrorists.
So could the pc brigade please let me know ,as they were all from what would be called "ethnic minorities",which were racist,which were islamophobic,xenophobic,or are they exempt. :roll:
There certainly is a thing with the media presenting racists and bigots as only being white people. :roll: :banghead:

But I've seen and met racist Whites, Blacks (can we still use that word?), Asians (Far and near East variants thereof), Europeans, Americans, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Africans, Arabs, East Europeans, South Americans, you name it. :x :censored:

Happily I've also seen and met nice normal people from most or all of those races/peoples/religions/minorities/demographics. 8)
Agreed mate,but the liberal pc media,(particularly the BBC,and Channel 4),refuse to acknowledge any racism other than that perpetrated by white people.
In Birmingham there is a big problem between some members of the Afro-Caribbean and Indian/Pakistani communities.These issues are ignored.
I also worked somewhere where we were all allocated lockers.
An Indian woman who worked there,and was not adverse to playing the Race card,refused to allow another Indian woman to have a locker next to hers because,"she was from a lower Caste." :roll:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Woman on TV this morning saying school sports days should be banned because her son doesn't enjoy it and she doesn't believe in competition (no mention of the ones who enjoy being competitive and how it would effect them though), lifes a competition love. Oh and there was mention of stopping testing in schools too because competition is inherently damaging and qualifications dont actuallymean anything.... i'm fairly fucking sure i want the doctor operating on me or the pilot flying my plane to be tested to make sure they are qualified :banghead:

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