General Election May 7th

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Which party will you vote for in May2015

Lib Dems
Nationalist (Scottish, Welsh or Irish)
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None of the above
Total votes: 60

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by LDB »

Nuggets wrote:
LDB wrote:
Chippy wrote:
OneBardGooner wrote:
Nuggets wrote:We are gonna get fcuked over by whoever gets in, same old same old....sadly :cussing:
True - all politicians are lying little shytes...

There needs to be something done about the Immigration Policy and Border Control - My department works directly to immigration and you would not believe how many non-British people are coming into the country daily - and that doesn't include the illegals....we are so fcuked as a country....

If you cannot speak English extremely well - you cannot come in or stay unless you are a brilliant player for The Arsenal (So Fergie and and Paul Lambert can also fcuk off)

If you were not born here and do not have a job - feck off outta the country

If you want to live in Britain no wearing Burqa's in public or holding marches promoting any form of Islam.

Anyone found guilty of paedophilia - Hang the cuntts

Anyone supporting spudscum - extradited to some barren shytehole with no TV/mobiles/Pc's/radios except for when we beat the cuntts.
So what happens to all the Brits living abroad? Oh I know they're not immigrants they're expats. :roll:
The countries that they're resident of can decide their own immigration policies?[/quote

What do you mean by that statement???
Chippy asked what would happen to British migrants living abroad if we took a tougher stance on immigrants coming to this country. My point is that the two things are not connected, other sovereign nations are free to set their own immigration policies and decide for themselves whether British migrants are worth letting in.

Although the left in this country has subtly changed its vocabulary with regards to immigration in recent years the undercurrent is still that addressing immigration = racism. I find it quite insulting and childish and it's why I can't bear to watch more than 2 minutes of BBC's Question Time with their awful audiences and vapid left wing guests. In a way the Tories are the worst of the bunch though because they make all the right noises on immigration but their policy on the EU means they have no control over the majority of it.

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by Theoperator »

Millibands comment in QT last night "No we didnt overspend in the last government" must rank as one of the most inept comments for this campagne. I suppose he will claim that the money trees didnt crop so well that year :roll: :evil:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Watching the news earlier, and thought that the Scottish Labour Party had formed a coalition with the SNP, and that their leader Jim Murphy was on a walkabout in Glasgow with Nicola Sturgeon in Glasgow.....but it turned out to be Eddie Izzard in a skirt and heels. :shock:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by gp543 »

You've lost Nigel, now kindly fuck off.

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by Nuggets »

Like I said whoever gets in it will still be the same old bullsh1t and lies, its the little people and the elderly that will lose out yet again, the EU is a fooking millstone around our necks and we should get out of it there are unscrupulous twats who are exploiting us the the gunnells in the EU. :cussing: :cussing:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by Theoperator »

gp543 wrote:You've lost Nigel, now kindly fuck off.
:rubchin: They did get almost 4m votes, they wont be going anywhere for a while, though Nigel and Ed have resigned and Ed Balls thank goodness is out for a while :barscarf:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by DB10GOONER »

gp543 wrote:You've lost Nigel, now kindly fuck off.

Does this now mean it's going to remain safe for us Oirish Gooners to keep travelling over for games? I take it the plans for the Foreigner Internment Camps and guard towers at airports etc are being scrapped as we speak? Are UKIP going to now return to calling themselves the BNP?

:D :wink:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Watching the ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of V.E. Day. It puts yesterdays election into perspective. If it wasn't for the sacrifices made then there would have been no vote yesterday.
Thank You to all those who gave me my,(and your),freedom.

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by DB10GOONER »

Rugby Gooner wrote:Watching the ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of V.E. Day. It puts yesterdays election into perspective. If it wasn't for the sacrifices made then there would have been no vote yesterday.
Thank You to all those who gave me my,(and your),freedom.
Amen. 8)

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by LDB »


Best result possible for the English.

It's a shame that that's how we need to look at general elections now but it's the truth. Well done to Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP voters for helping to deliver a Tory government

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by flash gunner »

Chippy what the fuck happened!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:Chippy what the fuck happened!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

:lol: :wink:

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by safcftm »

Voted conservative as usual. Fat load of good it did in Sunderland like, the usual sheep voted labour and they all fell over each other to try and declare the result first, as if anyone gives a fuck

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by nut flush gooner »

Havent been on this side of the forum for ages, voted Tory and please Cameron got a majority.

Bit disappointed about the shykippers that seem to be prevalent in the poll. The last two weeks have just proven what a shower of a party they are. Their leader falls on his sword and then is re-instated a few days later.

UKIP are nothing without Farage, but most people within his party realise (including the Tory defector Carswell) that they hold no credibility now the Conservatives have been elected. There will be a referendum on Europe and if the majority of the people in this country vote to stay in, there is no longer an argument about immigration because we have democratically voted to remain with the status quo.

Personally, as we speak I am voting out of EU mainly because of the way they impose directives/regulations on the UK that have a direct impact on my working life. Immigration isn't a big deal because it's fact that the net effect on the economy is to our benefit overall. Most of the people whingeing are the low skilled working class indegenous population, whose salaries are being undercut by cheaper eastern european migrants. To me thats market forces, we live in a global economy now.

Most of these people are traditional Labour supporters. It soo makes me lol that they have switched to UKIP in their droves. From socialist to borderline extremist right wing, quite a jump. I get the impression half of them haven't got a clue about Labour's true values.

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Re: General Election May 7th

Post by arseofacrow »

nut flush gooner wrote:Havent been on this side of the forum for ages, voted Tory and please Cameron got a majority.

Bit disappointed about the shykippers that seem to be prevalent in the poll. The last two weeks have just proven what a shower of a party they are. Their leader falls on his sword and then is re-instated a few days later.

UKIP are nothing without Farage, but most people within his party realise (including the Tory defector Carswell) that they hold no credibility now the Conservatives have been elected. There will be a referendum on Europe and if the majority of the people in this country vote to stay in, there is no longer an argument about immigration because we have democratically voted to remain with the status quo.

Personally, as we speak I am voting out of EU mainly because of the way they impose directives/regulations on the UK that have a direct impact on my working life. Immigration isn't a big deal because it's fact that the net effect on the economy is to our benefit overall. Most of the people whingeing are the low skilled working class indegenous population, whose salaries are being undercut by cheaper eastern european migrants. To me thats market forces, we live in a global economy now.

Most of these people are traditional Labour supporters. It soo makes me lol that they have switched to UKIP in their droves. From socialist to borderline extremist right wing, quite a jump. I get the impression half of them haven't got a clue about Labour's true values.
Have you been in The Globe all night, mate? :shock: :wink:

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