The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
Theoperator wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
I have said that the problems are already happening but the full effects won't be seen until Brexit gets going (2019)
yes the problems you mention already existed pre June 2016 but Brexit will just make things worse. I have never said that there would be immediate economic depression, it is just the gradual decline of the UK into global obscurity that I am more concerned with.

It is economic "self harm" which is completely pointless.
Talking about self harmers, to paraphrase dont you mean judge Brexit in May :wink: :barscarf:
May 2019 might have more of an idea I suppose :D
Leavers do remind me of AKBs though - completely out of touch with the reality of the modern world and how to succeed in it.
we are about to leave the EU single market, the largest trading area in the world. why would anyone even think this could be a good idea ??
Lighten up Rob the sun will burn out in a billion or so years anyway so it wont matter about Brexit by then 8)
It's actually 5 billion years. You Brexiters and your lies!! :lol: :wink:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
Theoperator wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
I have said that the problems are already happening but the full effects won't be seen until Brexit gets going (2019)
yes the problems you mention already existed pre June 2016 but Brexit will just make things worse. I have never said that there would be immediate economic depression, it is just the gradual decline of the UK into global obscurity that I am more concerned with.

It is economic "self harm" which is completely pointless.
Talking about self harmers, to paraphrase dont you mean judge Brexit in May :wink: :barscarf:
May 2019 might have more of an idea I suppose :D
Leavers do remind me of AKBs though - completely out of touch with the reality of the modern world and how to succeed in it.
we are about to leave the EU single market, the largest trading area in the world. why would anyone even think this could be a good idea ??
Lighten up Rob the sun will burn out in a billion or so years anyway so it wont matter about Brexit by then 8)
And in fairness this fucking thread will still be dragging its withered old arse around the place like a dog with worms even then! :barscarf: :lol:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by flash gunner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
flash gunner wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
Theoperator wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
I have said that the problems are already happening but the full effects won't be seen until Brexit gets going (2019)
yes the problems you mention already existed pre June 2016 but Brexit will just make things worse. I have never said that there would be immediate economic depression, it is just the gradual decline of the UK into global obscurity that I am more concerned with.

It is economic "self harm" which is completely pointless.
Talking about self harmers, to paraphrase dont you mean judge Brexit in May :wink: :barscarf:
May 2019 might have more of an idea I suppose :D
Leavers do remind me of AKBs though - completely out of touch with the reality of the modern world and how to succeed in it.
we are about to leave the EU single market, the largest trading area in the world. why would anyone even think this could be a good idea ??
Lighten up Rob the sun will burn out in a billion or so years anyway so it wont matter about Brexit by then 8)
It's actually 5 billion years. You Brexiters and your lies!! :lol: :wink:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by A11M11 »

Why quote Charles de Gaulle? Two wrongs don't make a right.

And that's my point , at the time when that speech was made he was voted man of the year because that was popular opinion . Things have moved on not always for the best but as I said before you can't judge the past on today's standards.

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by DB10GOONER »

A11M11 wrote:Why quote Charles de Gaulle? Two wrongs don't make a right.

And that's my point , at the time when that speech was made he was voted man of the year because that was popular opinion . Things have moved on not always for the best but as I said before you can't judge the past on today's standards.
Hang on, mate! You brought him up to justify your comments on immigration! Surely you likewise cannot justify today's standards (or unsavory opinions) based on comments from the past?

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by A11M11 »

The word racist was thrown in to the conversation . I was trying to relate that this was a commonly held position by the constituents that Powell was representing in Parliament. If you bothered to read some of the links that I have posted you would see that most of what he said was about the effects of mass immigration , I added the De Gaulle speech because it was symptomatic of the way people were at the time . I did not bring up racist remarks, you may have interpreted them as such . Remember that Heath at the time was a wounded animal with Wilson chasing him down ,he needed to get rid of Powell and his nationalistic views as Heath was determined to follow the line that we have now voted to reject. Letting his pet media friends paint up the racist legacy suited him well but really at the time many people saw Powell's views as being completely correct.

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by nut flush gooner »

A11M11 wrote:The word racist was thrown in to the conversation . I was trying to relate that this was a commonly held position by the constituents that Powell was representing in Parliament. If you bothered to read some of the links that I have posted you would see that most of what he said was about the effects of mass immigration , I added the De Gaulle speech because it was symptomatic of the way people were at the time . I did not bring up racist remarks, you may have interpreted them as such . Remember that Heath at the time was a wounded animal with Wilson chasing him down ,he needed to get rid of Powell and his nationalistic views as Heath was determined to follow the line that we have now voted to reject. Letting his pet media friends paint up the racist legacy suited him well but really at the time many people saw Powell's views as being completely correct.
To be honest I am not sure what point you are trying to make or it's relevance to brexit. So some of Powell's constituents where racists, and perhaps some of his speeches helped the Conservatives win he election in 1970. That doesn't make his principles right just because people agreed with him. If anything it shows how much this country has progressed as a place of tolerance.

If you get your head out your backside and come to London, look around at the diversity of the population. People opening shops,restaurants and other businesses from every ethnic background you could imagine. Then look a the people going into these shops, people eating in these restaurants. Funnily enough they aren't Turkish, Indian, Polish, Chinese but they are white indigenous British people that have Black, Asian or European neighbours/work colleagues/friends. Integration is complete in London because people look at people for who they are, not their skin colour or ethnicity.

If you genuinely believe that Powell makes a good point, the how the fuck can you support a team that is based in a very ethinically diverse part of London. When you walk into the stadium you are very likely to sit next to a Black, Asian or even a Jewish gooner.

Again for the 15th time, I reiterate most people who voted for brexit did so without considering all the issues and out of nothing more than pure ignorance. You just prove my point.

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by nut flush gooner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
A11M11 wrote:The word racist was thrown in to the conversation . I was trying to relate that this was a commonly held position by the constituents that Powell was representing in Parliament. If you bothered to read some of the links that I have posted you would see that most of what he said was about the effects of mass immigration , I added the De Gaulle speech because it was symptomatic of the way people were at the time . I did not bring up racist remarks, you may have interpreted them as such . Remember that Heath at the time was a wounded animal with Wilson chasing him down ,he needed to get rid of Powell and his nationalistic views as Heath was determined to follow the line that we have now voted to reject. Letting his pet media friends paint up the racist legacy suited him well but really at the time many people saw Powell's views as being completely correct.
To be honest I am not sure what point you are trying to make or it's relevance to brexit. So some of Powell's constituents where racists, and perhaps some of his speeches helped the Conservatives win the election in 1970. That doesn't make his principles right just because people agreed with him. If anything it shows how much this country has progressed as a place of tolerance.

If you get your head out your backside and come to London, look around at the diversity of the population. People opening shops,restaurants and other businesses from every ethnic background you could imagine. Then look a the people going into these shops, people eating in these restaurants. Funnily enough they aren't Turkish, Indian, Polish, Chinese but they are white indigenous British people that have Black, Asian or European neighbours/work colleagues/friends. Integration is complete in London because people look at people for who they are, not their skin colour or ethnicity.

If you genuinely believe that Powell makes a good point, the how the fuck can you support a team that is based in a very ethnically diverse part of London. When you walk into the stadium you are very likely to sit next to a Black, Asian or even a Jewish gooner.

Again for the 15th time, I reiterate most people who voted for brexit did so without considering all the issues and out of nothing more than pure ignorance. You just prove my point.

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by Allgunsblazin »

DB10GOONER wrote:
A11M11 wrote: I wonder if you people have actually read the speech that he was villified for . I would think you should as many of you would not have been old enough to have heard it first hand. As i said earlier he was diametrically opposite to Heath who was in the same circles as many newspaper owners who in those days had a lot more power in influencing public thoughts and they bought the whole gammut of their power to discredit him. Yes he was a divisive figure and he said a number of things which today in our overly PC world would be unacceptable but you have to put things in the context of things the way they were at the time.

"" It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are, after all, primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion.

Don't tell me stories! Muslims, have you gone to see them? Have you watched them with their turbans and jellabiyas? You can see that they are not French! Those who advocate integration have the brain of a hummingbird. Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a second, they will separate again.

Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.""

That was a leader of a similar age , Charles de Gaulle a speech he won the man of the year award by Time magazine.

A total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. In fifteen or twenty years, on present trends, there will be in this country 3 ½ million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. ... Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.
If all immigration ended tomorrow, the rate of growth of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population would be substantially reduced, but the prospective size of this element in the population would still leave the basic character of the national danger unaffected. This can only be tackled while a considerable proportion of the total still comprises persons who entered this country during the last ten years or so. Hence the urgency of implementing now the second element of the Conservative Party's policy: the encouragement of re-emigration.

All who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. ... This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendants should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow citizen and another.
There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it "against discrimination", whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right over their heads.
To be integrated into a population means to become for all practical purposes indistinguishable from its other members. Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is difficult though, over a period, not impossible.
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

De Gualle's speech was more flowery could say more eloquent but essentially the message was the same. It was the way things were in those days . You have to judge the world the way it was , you can't put today's morals on yesterday's happenings.

I was bought up on a North London market , as a child in the 50's & 60's you heard many things following the war, People were jittery , suspicious ,and very protectionist. All Powell did was voice in a speech what was being said on the streets.
He was vilified (rightly) for more than that one speech, mate.

You are quoting a xenophobic and racist speech from 1968 to justify some of the less palatable attitudes around Brexit, excusing that racism because it was a "different time" and because it was similar to stuff "being said on the streets"? You can't see the paradox there? Or how unsavory that is to most right-thinking people? There is plenty of racist things still being said on the streets nowadays, but by ignorant racist scum.

Blaming a country's problems on immigration is the inflammatory cheap shot of the far right, of nazis, of racists. It discounts and ignores the millions of immigrants that work hard, pay taxes and improve the business and cultural and social structure of a country.

Why quote Charles de Gaulle? Two wrongs don't make a right.
I was still playing with my Action Man!
You old sages you!.... :lol: :lol:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Allgunsblazin wrote:
DB10GOONER wrote:
A11M11 wrote: I wonder if you people have actually read the speech that he was villified for . I would think you should as many of you would not have been old enough to have heard it first hand. As i said earlier he was diametrically opposite to Heath who was in the same circles as many newspaper owners who in those days had a lot more power in influencing public thoughts and they bought the whole gammut of their power to discredit him. Yes he was a divisive figure and he said a number of things which today in our overly PC world would be unacceptable but you have to put things in the context of things the way they were at the time.

"" It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are, after all, primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion.

Don't tell me stories! Muslims, have you gone to see them? Have you watched them with their turbans and jellabiyas? You can see that they are not French! Those who advocate integration have the brain of a hummingbird. Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a second, they will separate again.

Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.""

That was a leader of a similar age , Charles de Gaulle a speech he won the man of the year award by Time magazine.

A total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. In fifteen or twenty years, on present trends, there will be in this country 3 ½ million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. ... Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.
If all immigration ended tomorrow, the rate of growth of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population would be substantially reduced, but the prospective size of this element in the population would still leave the basic character of the national danger unaffected. This can only be tackled while a considerable proportion of the total still comprises persons who entered this country during the last ten years or so. Hence the urgency of implementing now the second element of the Conservative Party's policy: the encouragement of re-emigration.

All who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. ... This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendants should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow citizen and another.
There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it "against discrimination", whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right over their heads.
To be integrated into a population means to become for all practical purposes indistinguishable from its other members. Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is difficult though, over a period, not impossible.
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

De Gualle's speech was more flowery could say more eloquent but essentially the message was the same. It was the way things were in those days . You have to judge the world the way it was , you can't put today's morals on yesterday's happenings.

I was bought up on a North London market , as a child in the 50's & 60's you heard many things following the war, People were jittery , suspicious ,and very protectionist. All Powell did was voice in a speech what was being said on the streets.
He was vilified (rightly) for more than that one speech, mate.

You are quoting a xenophobic and racist speech from 1968 to justify some of the less palatable attitudes around Brexit, excusing that racism because it was a "different time" and because it was similar to stuff "being said on the streets"? You can't see the paradox there? Or how unsavory that is to most right-thinking people? There is plenty of racist things still being said on the streets nowadays, but by ignorant racist scum.

Blaming a country's problems on immigration is the inflammatory cheap shot of the far right, of nazis, of racists. It discounts and ignores the millions of immigrants that work hard, pay taxes and improve the business and cultural and social structure of a country.

Why quote Charles de Gaulle? Two wrongs don't make a right.
I was still playing with my Action Man!
You old sages you!.... :lol: :lol:
Oooh think i've still got my one with the Panzer Commander Uniform and my Eagles Eyes British Para uniform one somewhere (admittedly they were originally my older brothers) :oops:

Immigration works brilliantly if it is well controlled, if it doesn't you have the problem of too many people too quickly for Public services to manage and that's the problem we have currently, too few doctors, nurses teachers, carers. Insufficient school places, hospital beds and houses etc.

Immigration is not the problem but un-managed immigration has caused a social disaster in this country and much as i am loath to admit this, it isn't all the Tories fault this was going on under Labour too (I hate all political parties :wink: ).

We need to take a step back, cut immigration completely for a few years, work out what we need and go out and actively recruit them, and in the mean time build houses, hospitals, schools etc to accommodate the peoples needs, oh and find the fucking money from somewhere (the few billion we give to the EU per year might be a good start though).....a social utopia, if only.

It might also help if the fcuking MPs stock bickering like children and actually worked out a cohesive plan between all of them for all this mind, you know like they're supposed to be elected to do :roll:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by Gunner Rob »

Lord Heseltine has said that Brexit is like Germany winning the 2nd World War.

He is quite right - they will dominate Europe now and we have given up all our influence, just because a load of uneducated Brits thought that they could take back control. Totally ridiculous.

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by Theoperator »

Quoting Hezzer in support Rob is like Bob Wilson quoting be careful .... in support of the great Arsene.

What Actually has Hestletine ever done apart from waltz around Stoke and Liverpool, flick his hair and come up with one of the best one liners (When talking about Gordon Browns neoclassical endogenous growth theory devised by Ed balls) Its not Brown its Balls. TBF it probably was a speechwriter, so he didnt even do that.

TBF one of his daughters was fit, but knew it and anyway is getting a bit baggy now :oops:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by Rugby Gooner »

I see that the fucking Remoaners are having another "It's not fair" march in London.
How come these wankers are in favour of democracy until they don't get what they want?
I have voted in several General Elections where the vote went against the way I voted,but I accepted the result as it was democratically done.
Also,when the U.K. voted to enter,(the Common Market as it was then),there was no hissy fits calling for a re-run,and none of this ,"Warwickshire voted to stay out",or whatever.
I hope that there are plenty of skips along the route,so that they don't have to spit their dummies on to the road.
Fucking Snowflake wankers. :twisted: :banghead:

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by nut flush gooner »

Rugby Gooner wrote:I see that the fucking Remoaners are having another "It's not fair" march in London.
How come these wankers are in favour of democracy until they don't get what they want?
I have voted in several General Elections where the vote went against the way I voted,but I accepted the result as it was democratically done.
Also,when the U.K. voted to enter,(the Common Market as it was then),there was no hissy fits calling for a re-run,and none of this ,"Warwickshire voted to stay out",or whatever.
I hope that there are plenty of skips along the route,so that they don't have to spit their dummies on to the road.
Fucking Snowflake wankers. :twisted: :banghead:
There is a big difference between voting in a General Election, and a referendum that once the process is complete cannot be reversed. With an election if a government fuck up, as Labour did in the run up to 2010 they can be removed from power. If leaving the EU means our economy shrinks or our Health Service suffers a chronic shortage of staff there isn't a lot we can do to unravel the consequences of enacting article 50.

With regards to the "remoaners" as the Daily Mail/Sun readers call them, most of them voted for the same party as you did. So what does that say about you then?

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Re: EU referendum - how shit is this thread??

Post by MrT »

Gunner Rob wrote:
Theoperator wrote:
Gunner Rob wrote:
I have said that the problems are already happening but the full effects won't be seen until Brexit gets going (2019)
yes the problems you mention already existed pre June 2016 but Brexit will just make things worse. I have never said that there would be immediate economic depression, it is just the gradual decline of the UK into global obscurity that I am more concerned with.

It is economic "self harm" which is completely pointless.
Talking about self harmers, to paraphrase dont you mean judge Brexit in May :wink: :barscarf:
May 2019 might have more of an idea I suppose :D
Leavers do remind me of AKBs though - completely out of touch with the reality of the modern world and how to succeed in it.
we are about to leave the EU single market, the largest trading area in the world. why would anyone even think this could be a good idea ??
This is textbook projection. Leavers want a fresh start, free from the constrains of EU bureaucrats, corruption and an outdated failing system (Wenger & Co.) Whereas the remainers are clinging desperately to the remnants of the old regime when change is inevitable.

Have you seen the people on the march? Lefty middle class women, low testosterone castrated men and a few token immigrants scattered about. The most pathetic group of people in existence.




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