The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by CloakedGooner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:48 am
CloakedGooner wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:33 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:29 am
CloakedGooner wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:47 am
Gunner Rob wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:13 am

probably time to cancel it then ?
Brexit or the NHS - you can't have both. ... 94751.html
I don't want both, I want brexit an health care to be privatised! The NHS is overburdened and we are getting a really poor service for what it costs. Privatisation means we would pay less tax/national insurance, and we would have choice of healthcare, meaning each company would have to offer us a good quality healthcare or we would have the choice to leave and go elsewhere for it. The NHS is a huge waste of money
You are living in a dream world if you think that an employer after going through the issues/costs that arise with brexit, will offer private medical insurance to all its employees. I used to run a Medical Insurance franchise and especially for smaller companies, Private Medical Insurance was the preserve of the management. It costs thousands of pounds per employee (more as they get older) to offer cover, and any pre-existing conditions are not generally covered by Medical Insurance. So you would still need a functional NHS to deal with these existing conditions anyway.

The solution is quite simple, either levy a new tax where the highest earners make the biggest contribution or increase spending on the NHS. That won't happen unless Labour gets in mind.
I didn't mean companies as in employers all giving out private healthcare. I just meant that healthcare would be run as businesses in a sense, so each one would have to offer us the best service possible to them or we would have the choice to go to another healthcare company. We would not get messed around the way the NHS messes us about. I would scrap it entirely

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

The NHS , a black hole that will swallow whatever you throw into it. However it needs feeding because it is still a remarkable service for which I will forever be grateful,. It is too important to be let go and privatisation is the wrong way to go in my opinion. It does need a vast amount of reorganisation , there is a great amount of wastage of both resource and time. My recent experience of a four day stay, waiting for a lumber punch and the way that different departments seemingly do not talk to each other showed me that ward staff are exasperated with cancellations , junior doctors on the ward appear to not to be able to influence other departments who just blithely go on their own sweet way without communication and just cancel things at the last minute. I was in four 4 days nothing was done apart from taking blood pressure and temperature readings. Iwas then discharged and 5 days later had the lumber punch as an out patient . In effect I occupied a bed for 4 days for a proceedure that took about 45 minutes.

nut flush gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

CloakedGooner wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:40 am
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:48 am
CloakedGooner wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:33 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:29 am
CloakedGooner wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:47 am

Brexit or the NHS - you can't have both. ... 94751.html
I don't want both, I want brexit an health care to be privatised! The NHS is overburdened and we are getting a really poor service for what it costs. Privatisation means we would pay less tax/national insurance, and we would have choice of healthcare, meaning each company would have to offer us a good quality healthcare or we would have the choice to leave and go elsewhere for it. The NHS is a huge waste of money
You are living in a dream world if you think that an employer after going through the issues/costs that arise with brexit, will offer private medical insurance to all its employees. I used to run a Medical Insurance franchise and especially for smaller companies, Private Medical Insurance was the preserve of the management. It costs thousands of pounds per employee (more as they get older) to offer cover, and any pre-existing conditions are not generally covered by Medical Insurance. So you would still need a functional NHS to deal with these existing conditions anyway.

The solution is quite simple, either levy a new tax where the highest earners make the biggest contribution or increase spending on the NHS. That won't happen unless Labour gets in mind.
I didn't mean companies as in employers all giving out private healthcare. I just meant that healthcare would be run as businesses in a sense, so each one would have to offer us the best service possible to them or we would have the choice to go to another healthcare company. We would not get messed around the way the NHS messes us about. I would scrap it entirely
If they became profit-making organisations, they would be worse than the utility companies ripping off the taxpayer. Its quite simple why our NHS is pants, all down to funding. We put 9% of GDP into healthcare, the yanks put 16%.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

So we need to save money somewhere else to find the extra GDP percentage.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by StuartL »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:27 pm
So we need to save money somewhere else to find the extra GDP percentage.
:rubchin: hmmm, if only there was a big pot of money currently being used to prop up the crap economies of European countries that we could use instead.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:27 pm
So we need to save money somewhere else to find the extra GDP percentage.
how about the £100 million a year that is currently being spent on the "Exiting the EU department" and which employs thousands of civil servants ?
not forgetting the fact of course that everything is costing more and more, following the devaluation of the pound. I think that is costing in the region of £200 million a year.

but of course Brexit is much more important than the NHS :rubchin:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

I doubt anyone especially the leave voters would have complained had the government and apparently remain dominating civil service got on with the job in the first place instead of delaying , complaining and prevaricating because the job would now be done and that money would no longer be being spent.
I agree it's too much money but that's the way of a system that allows too many chiefs to produce mountains of paperwork as decision making goes back and forth.
Their orders on day one should have been "" we are leaving , What is the best way to do it "" not we need a year to push paper around the departments to each have our input before we report back and let another commitee discuss our findings before it goes to Parliament via or friends in the High Court.
Anybody that has had dealings with or knows people that work in the system knows that they will string out anything for as long as possible, the longer things take the more secure they are as they work toward their gilt edged pensions.
Obviously leaving the E.U will have it's advantages and detriments , it does seem strange that our minions seem only to produce reports to support the remaining in a collosal world of administration that provides them with an endless supply of paper to shift in the blithe hope that the public will change it's mind. Whether this is by design or not we won't know until the papers are released in 25 years or so when of course it's far too late.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

the civil service are only producing negative reports because that's what Brexit will be to this country - WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE WORSE OFF (apart from the wealthy elite such as Jacob Rees-Mogg)

yes it is a pity that you LEAVE lot couldn't have just got on with Brexit straight away.
trouble is no one really knew what leaving would mean - if it had been thought through before the referendum then no one in their right mind would have voted for it! Lets face it Brexit is based on a load of lies :roll:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

Rob , the reason for the leave vote was because the great British public have concluded over many years that we have been taken for a ride by the E.U.
I think you might be surprised that very few were persuaded by the arguments prior to the referendum as they had already seen how their lives were affected. I know it means little to you but people in the industries that have been handed over to Brussels to cement the position of the city of London have been wanting out for a lot longer than the last few years . They have seen unemployment grow in their trades and have felt their living standards reducing long before the pound's value went down.
As for the civil service , every member of staff signs the official secrets act when they join up to the gravy train. Are the perpertrators of these leaks being prosecuted ? not on your life because it doesn't suit the powers that be to do so as they only want the things that suit their argument to get out. Strangely the weekend prior to the next cabinet meeting on Brexit policy.
Is someone outside the government leaking things to set the agenda of the meeting ?

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:40 pm
Rob , the reason for the leave vote was because the great British public have concluded over many years that we have been taken for a ride by the E.U.
I think you might be surprised that very few were persuaded by the arguments prior to the referendum as they had already seen how their lives were affected. I know it means little to you but people in the industries that have been handed over to Brussels to cement the position of the city of London have been wanting out for a lot longer than the last few years . They have seen unemployment grow in their trades and have felt their living standards reducing long before the pound's value went down.
As for the civil service , every member of staff signs the official secrets act when they join up to the gravy train. Are the perpertrators of these leaks being prosecuted ? not on your life because it doesn't suit the powers that be to do so as they only want the things that suit their argument to get out. Strangely the weekend prior to the next cabinet meeting on Brexit policy.
Is someone outside the government leaking things to set the agenda of the meeting ?
you see this is what I do not understand.
I accept that a lot of people felt that their living standards were reducing before the referendum. I haven't had a proper pay rise for years either.
The problem is that after Brexit those living standards are going to drop way way lower. Did you see the latest leaked reports ? Areas such as the North are going to be devastated with thousands of jobs going. Most of those people voted LEAVE because they believed the lies that they were told, they didn't vote to be poorer!!

I have never said on here that I love the EU and that it is perfect. It is certainly not, but it is much more preferable to be a member of the EU than some insignificant island outside of it, which will be our fate should Brexit happen.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

I will try to help you understand a little.
You ask why People would vote to become poorer. Many people in this part of the country made their minds up years ago about the EU and it's globalist march. Think back 10 years or so, The E U under Schultz , I believe, proposed to take all political responsibility away from national parliaments and to regionalise into cantons which would have devolved, powers under the guidance of Brussels. Under this arrangement East Anglia was to be joined with The Netherlands and the head of state was to be in Holland..
This of course was defeated but insidiously the global idea has not gone away but the people that were no longer to be British have not forgotten.
Over the years life has changed agriculture and fisheries have reduced and the fields which grew Britain's crops are turning into housing estates for more people to come to an area already short on infrastructure and services .
People have concluded that they have been taken for a ride and were /are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo.
Lastly sorry to bore everyone but you wonder why should Brexit happen only the elite will gain and I wonder why those very people are the ones arguing,and prevaricating to get it overturned.After all Heath apparently got a yacht for his trouble getting us in .I wonder what's in store forBranson, Blair ,Clegg and Soros stooge Gina.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

A11M11 wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:45 pm
I will try to help you understand a little.
You ask why People would vote to become poorer. Many people in this part of the country made their minds up years ago about the EU and it's globalist march. Think back 10 years or so, The E U under Schultz , I believe, proposed to take all political responsibility away from national parliaments and to regionalise into cantons which would have devolved, powers under the guidance of Brussels. Under this arrangement East Anglia was to be joined with The Netherlands and the head of state was to be in Holland..
This of course was defeated but insidiously the global idea has not gone away but the people that were no longer to be British have not forgotten.
Over the years life has changed agriculture and fisheries have reduced and the fields which grew Britain's crops are turning into housing estates for more people to come to an area already short on infrastructure and services .
People have concluded that they have been taken for a ride and were /are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo.
Lastly sorry to bore everyone but you wonder why should Brexit happen only the elite will gain and I wonder why those very people are the ones arguing,and prevaricating to get it overturned.After all Heath apparently got a yacht for his trouble getting us in .I wonder what's in store forBranson, Blair ,Clegg and Soros stooge Gina.
The Shultz canton plan never had a hope in hell of being realised. The British media hysterically portrayed it as a done deal at the time. Ffs mate you may as well bring up the EU "demand" for straight bananas as an argument! :lol: :wink:

The reason your fields are now housing estates has nothing to do with the EU and everything to do with greedy developers, land owners, builders, and corrupt local politicians.

As for the privatisation argument earlier on this thread? Privatisation does not work because of the very nature of the industries themselves. You can't make a profit running huge unwieldy industries with so many risk variables, paying private sector wages, so private companies struggle and then cut quality to try and turn profit.... whereas the public sector don't look to make a profit, on average pay lower salary scales, and can run those industries at a loss.... but also unfortunately at a cost to the tax payer.

Privatisation is a proven failed concept.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:45 pm
I will try to help you understand a little.
You ask why People would vote to become poorer. Many people in this part of the country made their minds up years ago about the EU and it's globalist march. Think back 10 years or so, The E U under Schultz , I believe, proposed to take all political responsibility away from national parliaments and to regionalise into cantons which would have devolved, powers under the guidance of Brussels. Under this arrangement East Anglia was to be joined with The Netherlands and the head of state was to be in Holland..
This of course was defeated but insidiously the global idea has not gone away but the people that were no longer to be British have not forgotten.
Over the years life has changed agriculture and fisheries have reduced and the fields which grew Britain's crops are turning into housing estates for more people to come to an area already short on infrastructure and services .
People have concluded that they have been taken for a ride and were /are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo.
Lastly sorry to bore everyone but you wonder why should Brexit happen only the elite will gain and I wonder why those very people are the ones arguing,and prevaricating to get it overturned.After all Heath apparently got a yacht for his trouble getting us in .I wonder what's in store forBranson, Blair ,Clegg and Soros stooge Gina.
sorry but you have hardly convinced me!
As DB10 said you have hardly put forward much of an argument :roll:

Here you go again saying that you have been taken for a ride.
Ok so state how the EU bullies you on a day to day basis.

Not sure what Edward Heath getting a yacht has got to do with anything :lol:, you really do need to stop thinking about right wing conspiracy theories and instead focus on how you and the rest of the country is going to cope if Brexit happens.
The pound has already collapsed - it will get worse if we leave, and you can add in thousands of job losses, increased bureaucracy especially at the ports allowing goods into the country, as well as the loss of the UK's influence on the global stage. It is likely to mean chaos in Ireland and the Scots will want to get their independence more than ever. The NHS will be privatised. We will struggle to get trade deals with countries outside of the EU. You really think negotiating with China will be easier than with France?

Wake Up !

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob » ... -189992685

"Britain is the new sick man of Europe"

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

Gunner Rob wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:00 am ... -189992685

"Britain is the new sick man of Europe"

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