Stewards - new theory

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Stewards - new theory

Post by DDignam »

Well we all know teh long standing job worths steward debate. My uncle is scum (yes a spurs fan) and an ex steward at highbury. Had not seen him for a whiel but had a drink teh other weekend and was saying about teh setwards in new stadium.

Hit me then, reason he had teh job was that it paid for his spurs season ticket, and he got to go to everygame as tehy dont usually allow both slcubs to play at home on teh same day

Im guess allot of teh problem could be that allot of stewards could be scum like him. Makes perfect sense, and apperently when he was setwrading during teh 1990's half of teh other stewrads he knew were spurs also.


Anyone who sat in teh clock end block by teh big screen, is teh black bloke still stewarding, he was a class steward. Had banter and did his job when needed

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Our stewards are C**ts

Post by CraigPollard »

It really wouldnt suprise me if all our stewards were ****, they certainly act like it!!!

At the Chelsea game on sunday, they thoroughly pissed me off. Anyone that was in the rocket before kick off whilst the Arsenal Away Boys were performing would/should have noticed me on stage wearing a mobile phone suit. Everyone seemed to see the funny side of it (By the way, if anyone has a picture on there phone of me on stage, can you please contact me. I dont have one, but noticed lots of people taking pics......Please help!!!)

I took the suit off to walk into the ground, then once inside i put it straight back on. About 4/5 stewards saw me in it, and said nothing. I walked to my seat, sat down waving an inflatable mobile, and enjoyed the game. After about 35 mins i was dieing for the toilet, so got up from my seat and headed back into the concourse (Please note!!! I am not one of these early leavers who have to avoid queues, i was literally gonna piss myself!!) I walked toward the toliet, and got cornered by a steward who told me to take it off, The suit was then confiscated til the end of the game. I noticed other people having inflatable mobiles and cashley notes confiscated also (this is all in the south stand).

I couldnt believe it!!! Especially as the little money grabbing "i nearly crashed my car over £5k" judas scum wasnt even there!!, not to mention the fact that we were at our own ground!!!

Still, The suit is back for the Pompey game, lets see if there stewards give a f**k, i doubt it.

Remember, anyone that has a picture of me in the rocket, can you please contact me, i wont post my mobile number on here, but email, or PM and ill give you it.

Thats enough of my ranting for the minute anyway!!!


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Post by tenementfunster5 »

Were you sitting in Block 25? 'Cos i saw someone wearing a phone suit which disapeared during the game. It's stupid that we can't have a little bit of fun at football. Thats what we all enjoy. A day out with the boys to drink sing and take the piss.

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Post by Romana »

So why is it not alright for us at our own ground to have Cashley notes and mobile phones, but the Chavski SCUM can throw leeks at our players during a cup final game. PURE BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

Rilo II
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Post by Rilo II »

I love how all the arsenal fans think that racism has no place in football (rightly so) but homophobia has.

It's clear that the club want to distance themselves from a homophobic image which a lot of the fans are creating for us, which is why they have taken this stance. People should just accept that. Of course we all hate Cole, so boo him, but leave the bigotry at home.

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Post by CraigPollard »

Yes it was me in Block 25.

Obviously the club want to distance themselves from the "Homophobic" side of the Cashley taunts. But is a mobile phone really "Homophobic", No, its more of a piss take against a player who has shown himself in his true colours. In my case, i wore the suit for a bit of fun, 90% of the people that saw it thought it to be hilarious, the other 10% are probably johnny come lately fans who have no idea that cole used to be an arsenal player.

It was intended as a harmless joke, no more, no less, but then again, if your gonna pleasure your arse with a mobile phone, you got to expect some stick for it!! ;o)

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Post by N22Gooner »

Rilo II wrote:I love how all the arsenal fans think that racism has no place in football (rightly so) but homophobia has.

It's clear that the club want to distance themselves from a homophobic image which a lot of the fans are creating for us, which is why they have taken this stance. People should just accept that. Of course we all hate Cole, so boo him, but leave the bigotry at home.
Do Do Do we're not homophobic Do Do Do we just hate ashley cole

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Post by Gooneroonie »

Do Do Do we're not homophobic Do Do Do we just hate ashley cole

Rilo II
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Post by Rilo II »

If I started singing songs insulting Cole because he is black it would be racist. Saying I'm not racist I just hate him wouldn't be a defence. Making homophobic comments about someone is homophobic so don't try to hide behind that stupid little chant.

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Post by Gooner_mojo »

Well sorry Rilo if we have offended you for whatever reason but people like you have to realise it's only a laugh and we're only doing it to get at Cashley. As far as i'm concerned that little c**t deserves it!!

Do Do Do we're not homophobic Do Do Do we just hate ashley cole

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Post by DDignam »

I don't think it is homophobic. As far as i am aware homophobic is a hostile or insulting action against a homosexual.

Ahsley Cole was "caught" pleasuring himself with a mobile phone. Singing and stating that fact is in no way homophobic. If he fell over and we sang, you fell over that would be stating a fact, but would the political correctness mob be all over me then.

I think there are two spheres of thought and people at teh grove.

Those who understand football, understand the culture and teh game. Understand that 40,000 people can sing a song at someone in jest and for (yes atmosphere) and not go outside and kick ten lumps out of someone

Then there are those that don't, would be afraid to point out a black person because that may be racist, when infact if they bothered to talk to people they would realise being called coloured is far more offence.

Rather than turn up to a football ground go to a local femenist march or something because the points your making are just plane stupid, and to be honest I have been bored all season hearing these things said inside and outside the ground.

If people were to chant, ashley cole I hate you because your gay and I hate all gay people, call me homophobic. But I remember chanting his name when i knew he was gay, mm wonder why 35,000 people decides to chant other things, maybe it was the football not his sexual preferences.

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Post by Rilo II »

I'm not going to get into a debate about what he did or did not do, but as I remember it the story was of 3 men pleasuring themsleves with mobile phones, not just cole on his own, which would make it a homosexual act. To me, this make all the chanting

I just get annoyed at all this reaction at not being allowed to in phones and the like. If, for example, people tried to take monkey dolls in to match for "just a laugh" it would be completely unacceptable, and the club wouldn't allow it. I don't see why this should be any different, but everyone seems to think it's ok.

DDignam you trying to say that I don't understand football because I'm speaking up against this is pathetic. If you want to be racist/homophobic or whatever else, it doesn't mean you understand football, it makes you an ignorant prick.

I'm sorry that I'm not a braindead moron living in the past. Maybe you'd be more suited to supporting our neighbours. Their neanderthal thug fans seem right on your level.

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Post by DDignam »

This is pretty lame.

My doctors will be very happy, a brain dead prick has managed to use a pc, gain a degree, earn 45k as a graduate and become a chartered accountant, f*ck me i'm one awsome brain dead guy, imagine if I had a cell or two working

As for you.......

You prove my point exactly

When you called me brain dead did you think of the families out there that you may have offended, those who have fathers, daughters on machines in hospital. My guess is no, because in your view your stating a fact. If you consult some political correctness book you no doubt own im sure you will find some term that falls under, and you can label yourself that, don't care really

When you called me a prick did you think that maybe you would be offending other readers of this forum, maybe female, no i dont think you did, so in future I would also consider that, may as well set some sort of example in your self expressed god like state.

As for waving mobile phones at ashley cole, a bloke caught pleasuirng himself with a phone, with people bringing to a ground blow up monkey dolls, you are seriously having a laugh. I can just see teh similarities, people making a joke out of a media story and KKK members with a job lot of inflatible monkey dolls.

Your having a laugh mate. In the world you live in someone who calls someone else braindead and prick must be teh next Hitler. I will try to stop living in teh past if you join teh real world aye, and stop fighting a cause that you and maybe some red top newspapers are fighting (to sell papers by the way)

seriously get a life, you may know you football, you support arsenal cant be all bad, but you seriously don't understand how to relax

Thinking of it 90% of arsenal fans have a luagh at ahsley and the JOKES/FUN (sense of humor) that surrounds his vitis, so why not let us all go support spurs, so Rilo and his buddies can make sure teh ground has no sharp corners, correct mix of genders and race attend each match and that the one chant peopel do sing at teh grove, is politically correct and does not offend anyone

stand up if you have neutral affections for totenham, with no attachment to race, gener sexual preference or age.

sounds as fun as teh emirates this year.

out of a matter of interest do you go to the emeriatea reguraly and if so what about highbury

Rilo II
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Post by Rilo II »

I'm not politically correct mate, I'm just not a bigot. It says a lot about you that you are so against someone standing up to racism and homophobia. You say that I want to create a perfect balance of races etc at Ashburton. Not really, but on the other hand do you want to alienate a certain type of supporter by spouting off abuse?

I don't want Arsenal to be known as a club full of bigoted hooligan type fans. Do people not remember the songs the spuds fans were singing about Sol when he went awol? I was absolutly disgusted Obviously people in the club feel the same, hence taking mobile phones away from people. I really can't see why that bothers you so much.

You seem to think I'm saying a lot more than I am. I'm not against having a chant, or even giving stick to people. But let's not do it in a way that's insulting to so many other people in the gournd, in the pubs, at home, whatever. What's wrong with chants about how Cole is a dirty money grabbing traitor (you know, the actual reason you lot claim to hate him) rather than his sexual preference?

I'm sorry that my views on these things make me stupid. I have gay mates who get abuse all the time. Some have been beaten up because they are gay. Obviously they should have to put up with this. There is definitely room for it in our society and any of us who speak out against it should get out of this fantasy world we are living in and realise that it's ok. Thanks for opening my eyes.

As for my attendence, I am a red member. I have to every match in every competetion this season bar 4 league matches (you can probably guess which 4). Last season I went to about half of our home games and a fair few away games. Same for the season before that. Before that I didn't have the means to go to football as I do now, so was only getting to one or two games a season since my last year as a junior gunner which was 1994 if memory serves, when I went to pretty much every game for a few seasons before. I'm not sure why this matters to you, I'd guess that you are assuming that I'm one of the horrible horrible new fans, so sorry to disappoint you there.

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Post by DDignam »

I totally agree with you about sol, and dont think that anyone shoudl ahve to take phyical abuse, sorry to hear about your mates.

Think the reason people disagree on the whole homophobic matter is what your getting at. Arsenal does not have a reputation for racism or bigotry or thugishness in general. I do think we have a fantastic bunch of fans and think everyone would feel welcome. For me thats why I get frustrated by people saying teh whole ashley cole thing is homophobic, because i seriously think it is in jest and the only reason for it is creating some atmosphere, having some fun and giving ashley some stick, not because he may be bisexual, because he messed us about and thats something he was supposidly caught doing.

The club do have to be shown to be against it (an rightly so) just dont think fans who were involved should be painted as homophobic (not saying you were, just in general),. However if people inside and outside the ground were to think that it was homophobic and threatened by it then it should be stopped and think most arsenal fans would see that and stop

Think on that day and in general it was fun and havent heard any thing said about it in the media (may be wrong)

Was at newcatsle V chelsea and they gave cole allot of stick, not about money all focused on the mobile phone thing, was at another level (graphic and targeted hate) and did feel uncomfortable to be around,

As for the games you have been to was just interested, over teh years weve had some chants that could be taken the wrong way but never have been.

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