Retirement. Any plans?

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Retirement. Any plans?

Post by olgitgooner »

I took an early retirement about a year ago. And I'm loving it. I can't think how I ever found the hours to hold down a full time job. :)
I also haven't found the time to take up golf or to get proper exercise. My running machine hasn't been plugged in once. The weights I bought stayed in the hallway for months. They were heavy. So I couldn't be arsed moving them :) I now find myself carrying an extra twenty pounds of fat. Which has totally covered my six pack :shock:
My question to you lot is you have any nice plans or hopes for your retirement?

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?


Jesus !

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by bjorki »

Hi! I have still a lot of time to take retirement but I think I will paint a lot of paintings, draw, chilling, sit in a garden and drink the best beer. Literally I have no idea what to do.

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Red Snapper »

You and I often seem to mirror eachother Olgit! I also retired about a year ago but my wife was her mother's carer which took up most of our time. Sadly she's passed away recently so if you come up with any good plans, we'd like to hear them!

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by StuartL »

My retirement is still some way off (minimum 12, probably 17 years )
Would love to have enough in my pension pot to purchase a property in Florida and do 6 months of the year over there (winter) and 6 months here.
Alternatively, retirement to somewhere in Norfolk, to enjoy the coast and sandy beaches, with a dog lots of walking, pub visits and a log fire, accompanied by my wonderful other half ( if she hasn't got tired of me by then)

As long as I have music, books, food and drink I will be quite happy.

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Sean »

You lucky sods :lol:

My pension age is 68 - if state pensions still exist by then - and I'll likely have croaked by then, seeing as most of my family die before age 60. I was easily able to save up six grand in the one year that I had a wage, unfortunately I am back to being 'unemployable' again, averaging less than one interview a month since last August. If I can ever get back in, I hope to save about £200K to see me though age 55-67, as that is probably my only chance of retirement. Seeing as I have already given up on ever having a family of my own, it is quite possible to achieve if only I can get a bastard job. As a natural recluse, it is very easy for me to be frugal.

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Rosie_titters »

I've still got another 25 years left :o . I will probably retire on a piss poor LGPS pension and try and sell up my property and move to Florida. I've always enjoyed visit the states and would love to retire there

Unless a nice win fall, falls in to my lap. £1m would be nice. :D

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Brightonnxtround »

5 or mybe 6 years of toil on the railways have got a pretty good pot though but I can't afford to buy have been renting for 20 years the crash in the 90s totally wiped me and misses out , negative equity so fuck knows

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by augie »

When you are young you are often stupid/foolish and think that retirement is ages away, then all of a sudden you wake up one day and realise that you are almost 50 and have fcuk all plans for retirement :shock: :shock: I spent the early part of my working life working in my parents pub, and have spent the last 14 years being a self employed shopkeeper in a small rural village, so trust me I aint sitting on no goldmine :lol:

Funny that a few of ye would like to retire to America, cos as much as I like the country, I'm not sure if I could live there - gun crime would be a HUGE deterrent for me, and I'm not sure I can spend my days listening to every second person going "my gawd" :wink: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by storrmin571 »

18 years until I retire, 21 years in the job so far. When I hit 60 thats it I'll be done.

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?


I'm 49 now and am not looking at working full time beyond 55.
I have a decent private pension and 6 years worth of public sector final salary scheme should just about see me there on time. I have no mortgage as we bought our house when the market crashed in the mid 90's.
The plan is to sell up and re-locate to Cyprus. The missus is looking at part time work in an animal sanctuary and I have no plans for anything in particular. I have considered buying a three wheeled bike with a fridge on the front and selling ice creams to fit young fillies at the beach :lol:

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Herd »

SPUDMASHER wrote:I'm 49 now and am not looking at working full time beyond 55.
I have a decent private pension and 6 years worth of public sector final salary scheme should just about see me there on time. I have no mortgage as we bought our house when the market crashed in the mid 90's.
The plan is to sell up and re-locate to Cyprus. The missus is looking at part time work in an animal sanctuary and I have no plans for anything in particular. I have considered buying a three wheeled bike with a fridge on the front and selling ice creams to fit young fillies at the beach :lol:
Well keep you money in a bank outside of Cyprus or they will just take your money when the country is in the shit and NEVER spend February in Cyprus !cos that when all the years rain falls in 2 weeks !

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by DB10GOONER »

Portugal. Retire there and do proper fuck all. 8) Okay, play guitar and paint maybe. Have an affair with one of your dirty 18 year old British tourist birds possibly... :D :wink:

About 20 years away most likely... :roll:

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?

Post by Brightonnxtround »

SPUDMASHER wrote:I'm 49 now and am not looking at working full time beyond 55.
I have a decent private pension and 6 years worth of public sector final salary scheme should just about see me there on time. I have no mortgage as we bought our house when the market crashed in the mid 90's.
The plan is to sell up and re-locate to Cyprus. The missus is looking at part time work in an animal sanctuary and I have no plans for anything in particular. I have considered buying a three wheeled bike with a fridge on the front and selling ice creams to fit young fillies at the beach :lol:
Bet you bought my house in an auction spud Bastard :D

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Re: Retirement. Any plans?


Herd wrote:
SPUDMASHER wrote:I'm 49 now and am not looking at working full time beyond 55.
I have a decent private pension and 6 years worth of public sector final salary scheme should just about see me there on time. I have no mortgage as we bought our house when the market crashed in the mid 90's.
The plan is to sell up and re-locate to Cyprus. The missus is looking at part time work in an animal sanctuary and I have no plans for anything in particular. I have considered buying a three wheeled bike with a fridge on the front and selling ice creams to fit young fillies at the beach :lol:
Well keep you money in a bank outside of Cyprus or they will just take your money when the country is in the shit and NEVER spend February in Cyprus !cos that when all the years rain falls in 2 weeks !
I know exactly what you mean about February. Also worth noting that the place is full of bloody Germans (tourists) that time of year too. Another good reason to come back for a break!!!!

The government are in a bit of shit over the money grab. It's been challenged in the international courts and it currently looks like they're going to have to pay it all back. One woman I know in Paphos had over €1m taken from her. She's the one that has caused a lot of the legal challenges (she's a lawyer by trade), along with a few Russian millionaires that had just moved money there to buy properties.

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