The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

Herd wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:15 am
Churchill was a war criminal , aggressive homosexual dare i say it peadophile ,racist ,incompetent military man,feeble military strategist, and divider of Ireland ,alcoholic and bigot !
But history has latched onto his glorious Radio pieces which no doubt were good for Public Morale during WW2 and turned him into a Huge British hero for later generations but don't forget the British people were so grateful to him after the war , they voted his arse OUT of office at the first opportunity.
But don't let that ruin a story !

Statues are statues ,there's no need to remove him or anyone else !
All probably true to one degree or the other... when viewed from modern times. But you have to allow that Churchill was a product of his time, a time of empire and white European rule in most of the world. His now offensive views on race etc were common at that time. He was a complex, paradoxical persona. But his statues honour the contribution he made to winning the second world war and to say he had no part in that or to diminish his role is historical revisionism at its worst in my opinion.

Regarding the gay and peado rumours - that's all they are, rumours. There is zero evidence of either. Particularly the peado accusations, which were mostly part of David Icke's pathetic attention seeking horseshit.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

Quite an interesting and reasonably balanced (for the hipsters at the BBC :wink: ) article here on the contradictions and complexity of Churchill's character;

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Herd »

Of course there is no evidence their all dead now,but bumming was all the rage for english gentlemen of that era and there are more than a few people who would leave their children alone with him and there was a lot of talk of him as a schoolboy .

My point if there is one I guess is that there is a whole load of history out there with our country but i feel no shame .
I didn't do it nor did any of my family who were simple working class people who lets face it didn't get much better treatment under the empire than the rest of the world the rulers trampled on !

I care not a single fuck about the statues unless i can melt them down of course !

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

The "All men are rapists" have appeared again,this time to campaign for Women Only carriages on trains.
A couple of points,
Statistically men are more likely to be attacked on public transport,albeit physically rather than sexually.
Why only trains? What about buses,Taxis,and the Underground?
I remember back in the late 70's/early 80's when the Man haters were demanding that the Government impose a curfew on all men because of one c.unt,the "Yorkshire Ripper."
I also,as a member of CND,went to Greenham Common,as part of a local group to take money,food etc to the camp,and take part in a protest.
There was a point beyond which men were not allowed,but ironically their money was,so while we wandered around the perimeter of the base,the women from our group,including my Girlfriend at the time,were allowed to enter the camp.
They were treated to an hour or so of the "All men are bastards" school of Feminism,which included such pearls of wisdom as,"everytime you have sex with a man he is raping you."
I got this first hand from my girlfriend,and a couple of other women from our group who walked out because of the anti male vitriol which being spewed by camp residents.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:

Now call me a traditionalist *word censored* but as far as i am concerned what they are doing to that child is tantamount to child abuse because they are knowingly and willfully ensuring that child has a life of living hell during his school years, not only that but i am fairly sure that said child will grow up with a lot of issues over identity etc. :(

What a bunch of sick bastards some people are, i feel the same about parents who let their children become obese, you are responsible for the child whilst they are a child and if you allow them to develop obesity then you are guilty of child abuse. :cussing:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

Rugby Gooner wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:56 pm
The "All men are rapists" have appeared again,this time to campaign for Women Only carriages on trains.
A couple of points,
Statistically men are more likely to be attacked on public transport,albeit physically rather than sexually.
Why only trains? What about buses,Taxis,and the Underground?
I remember back in the late 70's/early 80's when the Man haters were demanding that the Government impose a curfew on all men because of one c.unt,the "Yorkshire Ripper."
I also,as a member of CND,went to Greenham Common,as part of a local group to take money,food etc to the camp,and take part in a protest.
There was a point beyond which men were not allowed,but ironically their money was,so while we wandered around the perimeter of the base,the women from our group,including my Girlfriend at the time,were allowed to enter the camp.
They were treated to an hour or so of the "All men are bastards" school of Feminism,which included such pearls of wisdom as,"everytime you have sex with a man he is raping you."
I got this first hand from my girlfriend,and a couple of other women from our group who walked out because of the anti male vitriol which being spewed by camp residents.
It's ok to call them "lesbians", mate. :lol: :wink:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:47 pm
Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:

Now call me a traditionalist *word censored* but as far as i am concerned what they are doing to that child is tantamount to child abuse because they are knowingly and willfully ensuring that child has a life of living hell during his school years, not only that but i am fairly sure that said child will grow up with a lot of issues over identity etc. :(

What a bunch of sick bastards some people are, i feel the same about parents who let their children become obese, you are responsible for the child whilst they are a child and if you allow them to develop obesity then you are guilty of child abuse. :cussing:
I'm sorry but I am deeply offended by your honest realistic and frankly sickeningly mature outlook on this issue. I have the right to be a pre-op tranny, gender fluid, animal fluid, cover me in fluids, LBGT attention-seeking drama queen that inflicts years of misery on my child to indulge my own needy arrogant stupidity, you fucking male rapist bastard.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by GoonerMuzz »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:10 am
GoonerMuzz wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:47 pm
Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:

Now call me a traditionalist *word censored* but as far as i am concerned what they are doing to that child is tantamount to child abuse because they are knowingly and willfully ensuring that child has a life of living hell during his school years, not only that but i am fairly sure that said child will grow up with a lot of issues over identity etc. :(

What a bunch of sick bastards some people are, i feel the same about parents who let their children become obese, you are responsible for the child whilst they are a child and if you allow them to develop obesity then you are guilty of child abuse. :cussing:
I'm sorry but I am deeply offended by your honest realistic and frankly sickeningly mature outlook on this issue. I have the right to be a pre-op tranny, gender fluid, animal fluid, cover me in fluids, LBGT attention-seeking drama queen that inflicts years of misery on my child to indulge my own needy arrogant stupidity, you fucking male rapist bastard.
I reckon spuddy has hacked DB10's account (allegedly)

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:59 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:10 am
GoonerMuzz wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:47 pm
Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:

Now call me a traditionalist *word censored* but as far as i am concerned what they are doing to that child is tantamount to child abuse because they are knowingly and willfully ensuring that child has a life of living hell during his school years, not only that but i am fairly sure that said child will grow up with a lot of issues over identity etc. :(

What a bunch of sick bastards some people are, i feel the same about parents who let their children become obese, you are responsible for the child whilst they are a child and if you allow them to develop obesity then you are guilty of child abuse. :cussing:
I'm sorry but I am deeply offended by your honest realistic and frankly sickeningly mature outlook on this issue. I have the right to be a pre-op tranny, gender fluid, animal fluid, cover me in fluids, LBGT attention-seeking drama queen that inflicts years of misery on my child to indulge my own needy arrogant stupidity, you fucking male rapist bastard.
I reckon spuddy has hacked DB10's account (allegedly)
:lol: :lol:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by NickF »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:47 pm
Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:
The story was in the Daily Heil. The father is having the op to become a women and the mother "identifies" with both genders so dresses as a woman one day and a man the next.

That is one f**ked up family.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

NickF wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:27 am
GoonerMuzz wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:47 pm
Can't find the link but read somewhere that we now have our first truly gender fluid family in the UK, Mom's Dad, Dad's Mom and the child is non-gender specific. :banghead:
The story was in the Daily Heil. The father is having the op to become a women and the mother "identifies" with both genders so dresses as a woman one day and a man the next.

That is one f**ked up family.
Man, that kid is gonna have a great time in school! :lol:

* Sorry, when I used the term "man" I did of course not mean to exclude the terms "woman" and "other". Apologies, my bad. :oops:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Well done to the judge who sentenced the lying fucking slag,Jemma Beale,to 10 years for making 9 false accusations of rape,and 6 of sexual assault against men to make her lesbian girlfriend jealous. :barscarf: One bloke served 2.5 years,while she got 11 grand compensation for his alleged offence. :twisted:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by DB10GOONER »

Rugby Gooner wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:43 pm
Well done to the judge who sentenced the lying fucking slag,Jemma Beale,to 10 years for making 9 false accusations of rape,and 6 of sexual assault against men to make her lesbian girlfriend jealous. :barscarf: One bloke served 2.5 years,while she got 11 grand compensation for his alleged offence. :twisted:
Fucking scum like her hurt real rape victims and innocent men. Absolute filth. :evil:

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Tower Hamlets Council have allowed 2 hardline muslim families to foster a 5 year-old English speaking girl.
One of these made her remove the cross necklace her parent/s had given her,and told her that if she didn't learn Arabic she would have to,"eat off the floor."
During meetings with social workers the girl apparently cried constantly and pleaded not to be sent back to either family.
These pleas were ignored,(probably because the 5 year-old was being racist).
M.P's are now calling for an inquiry into yet another muslim related situation in Tower Hamlets,previous ones including groups of male muslims being allowed to "enforce" a "sharia law" area within which,(with impunity),they took cans/bottles of Beer from people and poured them away,and admonished women if they did not meet muslim standards of dress.
The Police did nothing.

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Re: The Political Correctness Bullshit Thread

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Last week the Met Police issued their priorities as to answering requests for assistance from the public.
Their main priority was the Elderly,and people with learning difficulties,absolutely correct.
They then said that native English people would be sidelined to prioritise people who do not have English as their first langauge. :shock:
I think that we have finally become second class citizens in our own Country. :banghead:

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