The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:06 pm
I am anything but a science fan etc...but this is quite an amazing story/adventure... btw: Don't be put off by the cartoonesque graphics in the first link..the second link is cool. 8)

In its thirteen years at Saturn, Cassini has transformed our understanding of the sixth planet from the Sun.
It has watched monster storms encircle the globe; it witnessed the delicate interplay of ice particles move through the planet's complex ring system; and it revealed extraordinary new insights on the potential habitability of Saturn's moons.
Titan and Enceladus were the standout investigations.
The former is a bizarre place where liquid methane rains from an orange sky and runs into huge lakes. Cassini put a small European robot called Huygens on Titan's surface in 2005. It returned a remarkable image of pebbles that had been smoothed and rounded by the action of that flowing methane.
Cassini also spied what are presumed to be volcanoes that spew an icy slush and vast dunes made from a plastic-like sand.

Today, scientists are already talking about how they can go back with another, more capable probe to investigate this idea further.
A great many of those researchers have been gathered this week at the nearby campus of the California Institute of Technology. They watched a feed from the control room at JPL on giant screens.
Jonathan Lunine, from Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, spoke for many when he said: "I feel sad but I've felt sad the whole week; we knew this was going happen. And Cassini performed exactly as she was supposed to and I bet there is some terrific data on the ground now about Saturn's atmosphere."
And Linda Spilker, the Nasa Cassini project scientist, added: "Cassini may be gone, but its scientific bounty will keep us occupied for many years.
"We've only scratched the surface of what we can learn from the mountain of data it has sent back over its lifetime." ... in-numbers

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

Yell yaa whaat dingo boy Dem Auzzies Iz Craay zee. ... led-in-car

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

This gives a surprisingly different perception of Grenfell Tower. ... 21st_floor

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

Not sure where to post this, so here goes:

It had been one of those weeks, incredibly busy, almost to the point of breathless chaos, each day all week perhaps a quick sandwich at the desk for lunch, so come Saturday morning I had the luxury of a ‘lay-in’ and to catch up on some much needed sleep.
I eventually stir and head into the centre of town some 4 minutes away to buy some essentials; bread, milk etcetera, it is about 10:50am, the shops in the small town a 5 minute stroll to the coast, were busy but not bustling as expected, some people were chatting, but many were quiet and stood still, looking towards the towns small roundabout, which was covered in a cascade of red poppies. It is then I embarrassingly remember it is Armistice, and so I slow my walk and find a place to be still and stand amongst the quieted townsfolk.

There are three roads that meet at the roundabout all of which would normally be busy at this time on a Saturday morning, but there are two Police cars with their blue lights flashing parked sideways across the roads to stop the traffic, near-by there is a young woman sat on a stool playing tunelessly on an accordion, she seems oblivious to the growing subdue, so I walk over and gently ask her if she can stop playing for a few minutes, she appears not to speak English or understand what I am saying, so I point towards the kerbsides that lead towards the roundabout and put one finger to my lips as if to say Shhh, and then tap my wrist watch and smile, she seems to comprehend and stops playing, out of nowhere there is a loud Booming of electric music as a car comes from the direction on the third road where there is no police car, a white car windows rolled down with a young woman driving, she begins to slow and seems oblivious to the crowds along the kerbsides and that the few cars ahead of her have not only stationary but have stopped and are driverless; their drivers stood beside their vehicles, a man in a flat black cap with military medals walks over and leans through the passenger window to say something, the music is still booming and people are looking with disdain, including myself, she waves her arms frantically as if arguing with the man, a policeman appears from nowhere, leans through the window on the driver’s side and switches off the ignition, all falls silent and everyone turn their faces back towards the roundabout where about forty men in blazers adorned in military medals and lanyards are stood to attention, there is a vicar or priest in his black and white cassock holding what looks like a bible open in both hands. Next to him is a man in a wheelchair with something shiny in his lap, standing at his other flank is a man with a large satin flag of blue and gold it lifts and falls as the now audible chilly November breeze comes in small gusts and falls away paying no attention as it continues upon its quest.
I look at my watch it is almost 11 o’clock, people are either looking ahead toward the small stone tower clock in the centre of the roundabout or stand with heads bowed, bags of shopping at their feet.
Then the clock thinly strikes eleven in a tinny almost nervous tone. The flag bearer lowers the flag from up-right to a right angle of half-mast, the vicar begins to speak, reading from the pages of the book in his hands, his words barely audible are lost in the distance; even the wind seems to listen and has ceased its dancing. The vicar then opens a sheet of paper and begins to read from a poem I know well although I cannot hear his voice clearly I know what words he is speaking:

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
.” Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

Then the elderly man in the wheelchair lifts a silver trumpet to his lips and plays ‘The Last Post’, it echoes out, above and around us all, the wind is utterly still but a cold, cold shiver runs through me as I remember what this represents and whom we honour, my thoughts turn to my Grandfathers and my Father and uncles and the few stories they could bare to share with me when I was younger, when they were alive.
The last strains of the trumpet fall away, for a moment that seems to stretch no one speaks or even moves, everyone is uncertain of what they should, so the weight silence and the stone like stillness continue. Then the flag bearer lifts the flag once more to full salute and the world returns and we all slowly begin to move and go on about our day.
I remain where I am, I see the policeman talking to the girl who is now stood beside her silenced car, people slowly return to conversation but in hushed tones, the police cars switch off their blue lights and slowly move away to allow the flow of traffic to regain its momentum. I feel like someone is watching me, so I turn to my left and there is the accordion player standing facing towards the direction of the clock tower her accordion sat in its suitcase, a man passing by puts a coin in her hand and walks on, she looks down at the coin and quickly turns to look at the man now beyond her.
I turn back towards the clock tower and the young girl driver, climbs back in her car, she starts up her engine, indicates and once more joins the traffic passing her by. I wonder if she managed to realise that those we were all honouring in the two minutes of silence were the reason she was able to drive her car and play her music and frantically gesture with her hands.
I finished my shopping and went back to my flat in a subdued mood, as I began to count my blessings and say a prayer of thanks for the souls of those who gave everything, and in that giving enabled me to be alive. And how I can sit in the warmth and comfort of my home, listen to the radio and eat a hearty breakfast, something I take for granted, something they would never know again.

In a Flanders Field
There is not time
The skies, sun and stars pass me by
I look up through blades of green and blazing petals of red that tremble in a wind I cannot feel
So strange is this, it is as if I am made of soil and somehow now joined to all things of the world, yet when it rains that sweet summery fragrance finds me not
There is not time
The day and night are as one for I sleep not, yet do not dream, perhaps I imagine?
I feel as if I have slept for a hundred years or more, perhaps I have?
I have begun to remember things
A fearsome roaring and deafening blasts, I remember being afraid and voices shouting urging me on somewhere
I remember voices of pain and screaming suddenly falling silent
I remember the smell of acrid smoke and something more bitter, then I remember falling hard to the soft, cold, wet ground
Then silence and darkness
The weight of my body evaporating and then everything went away until now, or was it yesterday or perhaps it is tomorrow, I cannot tell for the sky passes me by and I know not where I am.
© OBG November 2017.

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner » ... k-exchange

Thank-fully no one was killed! :shock:

I guess you could say the bottom dropped out of the market. :-P :oops: :oops:

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

Perhaps the next step in humankind's attempt's in space exploration?

The way the Booster Rockets were controlled and guided back to earth to land up-right and ready for re-use was quite staggering... :oops:

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by DB10GOONER »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:23 pm
Perhaps the next step in humankind's attempt's in space exploration?

The way the Booster Rockets were controlled and guided back to earth to land up-right and ready for re-use was quite staggering... :oops:
It's an amazing achievement tbh. But he pisses me off a bit with sending his car into space.... adding to the tons of space junk is a bit shit.

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by A11M11 »

Yeah , what goes around will come back around one day.

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

Okay, this guy looks very (VERY) weird, but what he says and offers in this lecture is (for me) bang on the nail.

It may or may not be your 'cup of tea', but seriously I can recommend watching it right the way through without skipping etc

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31 minutes long - maybe watch it in 5 or 10 minute chunks ?


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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

These no mark, in-bred- ugly-as-fuck money grabbing - living off the tax-payer C.U.N.TS - Just the security alone for this little soiree cost fucking£2MILLION !!! ... e-45852684

They're all a bunch of in-bred uggo sponging fuckerrs :cussing: :banghead: :banghead:

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

This is totally cool ( 8) )

At first this guy starts out showing how he 'hacks' various things from the TV systems in a whole hotel - to getting info on Credit Cards etc - BUT... Then he shows how he and the company he works for are using computer software to save lives

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

Since my recent 'illness' that has since seen me take a new look at Life - and what (for me as an individual) is important...


This is well worth watching - A good laugh too! :wink:

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by StuartL »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:32 am
Since my recent 'illness' that has since seen me take a new look at Life - and what (for me as an individual) is important...


This is well worth watching - A good laugh too! :wink:

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Strange I had never pictured you with a long white beard mate -

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Re: The Gooner Chinwag (NSFW)

Post by OneBardGooner »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yup! I'm also known as Gandalf! :D :wink:

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