CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by LeftfootlegendGooner »

StuartL wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:46 pm
LeftfootlegendGooner wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:32 pm
Uncle Bill died today from covid, an absolute gentleman and an altruistic human being.

Have stopped drinking since new year but the Toni and I having a glass of wine and toasting the guy,just so sad we could not go and see him.

Such a lonely death.

Nutflush I didnt mean to sound a little tetchy with you, I appreciated your kindness, forgive my indiscretion.
Sorry to read that Lefty, hope you and the family are okay mate

🍻 to Uncle Bill
Cheers Stu, we will get through it, lot of stuff to sort but thats always the way, indeed 🍻 to uncle Bill 8)

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by NickF »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:18 pm
However, pubs and restaurants despite what the surveys say in this country are super spreading environments. It only takes one infected person in an enclosed, poorly ventilated environment to infect a lot of people over a short period of time.
They really aren't. Most decent venues went to a lot of time and expense to make sure they were covid secure as possible.

This includes spacing tables correctly, screens between tables, single use menus, sanitiser round the pub, staff in PPE, table service, extra cleaning and most importantly enforcement of the rules including test and trace.

Unfortunately though some venues, like people just didn't give a shit. Such is with lockdown good pubs get shutdown because of the bad ones and everyone has to stay at home because people can't behave.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

NickF wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:50 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:18 pm
However, pubs and restaurants despite what the surveys say in this country are super spreading environments. It only takes one infected person in an enclosed, poorly ventilated environment to infect a lot of people over a short period of time.
They really aren't. Most decent venues went to a lot of time and expense to make sure they were covid secure as possible.

This includes spacing tables correctly, screens between tables, single use menus, sanitiser round the pub, staff in PPE, table service, extra cleaning and most importantly enforcement of the rules including test and trace.

Unfortunately though some venues, like people just didn't give a shit. Such is with lockdown good pubs get shutdown because of the bad ones and everyone has to stay at home because people can't behave.
The two metre social distancing rule is a fallacy, invented by the WHO to create a guideline that people/businesses etc could stick to. If you are in a pub and the ventilation is poor, it doesnt matter how far the tables are apart
aerosols will hang in the air for hours and build up to a level where people take on enough of a viral load to get infected. People shouting in pubs after a few beers will exhale potentially more viral particles than in a lot of other venues.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by NickF »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:23 pm
People shouting in pubs after a few beers will exhale potentially more viral particles than in a lot of other venues
People shouting after a few beers in pubs, again, depends the sort of pub you go into.

Good pubs will not accept people shouting.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

NickF wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:56 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:23 pm
People shouting in pubs after a few beers will exhale potentially more viral particles than in a lot of other venues
People shouting after a few beers in pubs, again, depends the sort of pub you go into.

Good pubs will not accept people shouting.
That's just an example mate. When you breathe out/cough/sneeze you exhale respiratory droplets and smaller aerosols much further than 2m. The pub you are in is irrelevant. They can have all the hand sanitisers etc they like but if there are respiratory droplets/aerosols in air that is stagnant and not being replaced by windows being wide open, then the amount of virus in the air will increase the longer someone infected sits there. If the room is hot and stuffy it's ripe for COVID.

As an example I was walking past a cafe the other day, a chap was smoking outside I gave him the best part of 15 feet probably more as I walked past without a mask on. I could smell the smoke from his cigarette, meaning that what he was exhaling was in the range of my respiratory system. And that was in an outdoor setting.

There have been countless lab-based simulations that show social distancing of 2 metres whilst offers some protection. doesn't keep you safe at all in an indoor environment.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

Please Watch This: (Scroll down from the first blurry picture to the Video)


It almost makes me feel ashamed to be worrying/ concerned about a football game. :|

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by StuartL »

A very good friend of mine told me yesterday that his wife had been blue lighted to the West Suffolk Hospital COVID ward.

She is 51, a bit overweight and has asthma, so it may be a real struggle for her.

Their eldest son is a paramedic, who unsurprisingly caught it first, but despite knowing what to do to stay isolated the rest of the family all caught it too.

I didn’t know anyone who was infected during the first wave, now know quite a few who have succumbed to the next strain.

A sobering reminder

Stay safe and take care :barscarf:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

I would appreciate people's thoughts, opinions, comments etc if you feel you can please?

I heard over the week-end of an elderly woman who lives nearby ( 72yrs of age), who having shielded properly and so far successfully throughout the Pandemic has said she will refuse to be vaccinated. I'm not entirely clear on her reasons for this(*) , but I have spoken with her previously on the odd occasion when our paths have crossed; the usual Good Morning/ Afternoon etc and we spoke about the weather, gardening (she has an amazing garden btw), but she is a retired solicitor, well educated and well thought of as far as I know and always struck me as being an intelligent, articulate and reasoned individual, so I was surprised to hear this from her daughter.

(*) Apparently she has her 'suspicions' about the vaccines and how the government has conducted itself during the pandemic and feels that the lateness of the governments actions which many (including myself I must say) believe have contributed greatly to the spread of the virus and the number of deaths.

The reason I ask is that I have seen various things on YT and Social Media sites where there are many people saying they will not have the vaccine, many basing their decision on suspicions they have regarding the vaccine and what it/they may also contain besides the anti-viral properties which sounds a bit odd.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

You got a problem there mate.

She's a Lawyer and will have done extensive research herself, and come to the conclusion that her risk of complications from the Vaccine is greater than the chances of her contracting the Virus and getting seriously ill. I'm sure she will give you a reasoned logical response if you ask her why she isn't taking the Vaccines.

This is the thing though, our government action/inaction isn't a reason to reject the vaccine. The Vaccine(s) itself has been subject to all the normal clinical trials, with tens of thousands of people taking part. If you look at how many people who have died from complications of taking the vaccine versus contracting covid (especially the over 70s/80s) the vaccine is the best bet. Not only that, it allows us to leave our homes knowing that if we are unlucky enough to contract the virus it won't be serious enough to put us in a hospital or kill us.

She's also not thinking about the bigger picture if everyone takes her attitude this virus will be around every winter for years and potentially kill tens of thousands of more people. I don't fancy lockdowns every winter. I find people who won't take the Vaccine quite selfish really and even if they find what seems like legitimate scientific evidence not to do so.

My mum had the vaccine 2 weeks ago, she's fine didn't even have any side effects. My turn is within the next few weeks I won't be turning it down. I want to go to aTest Match this summer, and back to the Emirates next season having a beer with mates rather than virtually watching/chatting about games on whatsapp.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by gazzatt2 »

I've been hiding sorry shielding since last March
I have a chest problem and already lost 25% of lung capacity so would have a real struggle to fight Covid
I will be having the vaccine hopefully in the next few weeks
my wife who works in a care home had it a week ago only a throbbing arm the next day
as to people who thinks it it has chip to track you most people now carry a phone with GPS
the government already knows that you are born, where you work what tax you pay how much is in your bank (banks have to notify HRMC over a certain amount in your accounts used to be £100 but think is £10000 now ? what you drive etc etc
as to people that thinks the vaccine has been passed to quick most vaccines take there time because there isn't the money spent on it and a lot of research is done by university students this one has had a massive amount thrown at it and the research done by top scientists (many more than usual)
I can see it will be a requirement for new employees in some jobs to have the vaccine

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by the playing mantis »

people who think there a chip or care need locking up.

my BiL is like that. no modern mobile phone etc.

i gov know what we all doing anyway. who really cares. if your not doing anything wrong that is...unless you have something to hide it makes not a rats ass of difference if we were all being tracked/chipped anyway.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

Thank you guys, yes, the reason I posted my question is because I was left somewhat baffled by such a stance and choice of someone I know to be highly intelligent, not in the slightest bit hippy-dippy or anti-establishment etc

Hopefully when the pandemic restrictions truly are behind us all, I will make a point of discussing it with her.

Stay Safe & Stay Well and avoid the idiotic MoronicCUNTS who are still not social distancing and causing even more innocent people to die.

The government have stated that at some point in the future they intend to mark and honour the lives of those who have died from Covid. If this is true and I would hope it is, then those who 'have blood on their hands' from not following social distancing rules: attending parties and the like should also have their identities make public: Name and Photograph and let the world do with them what they will.

Traitor's Gate and a few hanging's would help satisfy a few of those who have lost their beloved ones.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Clummo99 »

I'll throw my opinion in fwiw :lol:

I'm not rushing into having the vaccine myself. Clinical trials are all well and good but true testing comes in the real world and there just hasn't been enough time passed to even remotely asses that. It's already been stated by the government's chief science advisor that the initial Pfizer jab could be as low as 30% effective.

I've turned down one appointment for Pfizer already. When I do finally decide that the time is right I'll be opting for the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine.

I don't consider this selfish or irresponsible. On the contrary, I think it prudent.

I am entitled to a free Flu jab every year because of my health but have never taken up the offer. As someone that has had proper Influenza (not just a heavy cold) maybe twice in my 53 years I don't feel the need to have a jab that protects me from it.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just want to make sure I'm making the correct decision and feel only time spent observing the vaccines can allow me to best make that decision.

Anyone talking about microchips in vaccines deserve all they get though! :lol:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by wibble »

Well I got my vaccine about two weeks ago and no side effects so far!

The microchip beeping every half hour does get annoying though

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Clummo99 »

wibble wrote:
Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:22 pm
Well I got my vaccine about two weeks ago and no side effects so far!

The microchip beeping every half hour does get annoying though
Keeps you awake at night I bet! :lol:

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