Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/Planet Nibiru

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by QuartzGooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
QuartzGooner wrote:DB10

You'd wise to keep an eye on the Levant.

P.S. Batter?
For nuggets?
Breadcrumbs every time.

Never had you down as a peasant. :cry:
I said Breadcrumbs... :|

Been keeping an eye on the Levant since 1975 dude. :(
Misread your post, sorry.
Unless they were tempura style, where the batter is superb if cooked correctly.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by DB10GOONER »

QuartzGooner wrote:
DB10GOONER wrote:
QuartzGooner wrote:DB10

You'd wise to keep an eye on the Levant.

P.S. Batter?
For nuggets?
Breadcrumbs every time.

Never had you down as a peasant. :cry:
I said Breadcrumbs... :|

Been keeping an eye on the Levant since 1975 dude. :(
Misread your post, sorry.
Unless they were tempura style, where the batter is superb if cooked correctly.

Yum. Also love a good beer batter on fish. Superb. 8)

Interestingly, in Dublin, going on the beer is also known as going on the batter. :D

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by QuartzGooner »

The countdown to openly declared war in Syria continues.
We are as good as fighting a war there, it's just not been officially declared. ... aVWgOut4n9

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by Top Londoner »

It's like Fanny Craddock giving cooking tips to the Galloping Gourmet on here. :lol:

Anyway. Here is Netanyahu almost shitting himself. I wonder what Putin said during the talks?

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by QuartzGooner »

USA calls for no fly zone in Syria.
UK and French fighter jets to help out the Americans?

How does this no fly zone help end the war?
In of itself, not sure.
But if significant heavy weapons are given to the opposition it can push Assad into a very tight corner.
How will the Russians react to that?

This is the biggest powder keg since the Cuban Missile crisis.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by officepest »

QuartzGooner wrote:USA calls for no fly zone in Syria.
UK and French fighter jets to help out the Americans?

How does this no fly zone help end the war?
In of itself, not sure.
But if significant heavy weapons are given to the opposition it can push Assad into a very tight corner.
How will the Russians react to that?

This is the biggest powder keg since the Cuban Missile crisis.
Proxy war with US/Russia/China/Iran all trying to pull strings (I know the UK & France have serious history here, but we're not important on the Global stage anymore). I'm deeply ambivalent about this one, on the one hand I feel dreadful for the unacceptable butchering of civilians, however I think arming a disparate group of people under one umbrealla of 'rebels' is very dangerous too, just look at how well the west arming Afghanistan and Iraq went.

Add the fact that Assad's Alawite minority family would literally rather die than renounce their power on the country and I cannot see a peaceful solution.

I see it's kicking off in Egypt too, the Arab Spring is turning into a bloodbath.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/ 21.12.2012 Mayan Calendar

Post by QuartzGooner »

Syria may well be about to go up a notch, looks increasingly likely the USA, UK and France will launch missile strikes in attempt to destroy chemical weapons?

Such a thing is possible, if a high temperature firestorm is created to burn off the chemicals, and napalm is used in a second wave of strikes to keep them burning.

But the gamble is will all the firestorms be successful (if tried), will all targets be known to Western intelligence planners and will Assad get to some of his stocks in time? ... Syria.html

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/Mayan Calendar?

Post by dPmunky »

glad to see the politicians are taking this issue VERY SERIOUSLY /sarcasm


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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/Mayan Calendar?

Post by flash gunner »

Glad we're staying out of Syria

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/Mayan Calendar?

Post by the playing mantis »

i dont tdoubt the wanker politicos will find a way for us to get involved.

absolute madness.

they ahvent a real clue wtf they are getting into. why should they be on the 'rebels' side, and not helping out the government forces???

sure there have now been gov atrocities (although i dont doubt there have been atrocities by both sides) but these 'rebels' are to all intents and purposes terrorists attacking their own regime, and its freely admitted that many of them are al quada and very islmaist, and we all know where that leads in terms of the west...

its mind boggling that the west wants to topple a secular, fairly stable, fairly 'onside' regime (well i was onside before this clusterfuck started). baffling. we all know it would by a more religious fractured regime, leading to anti western feeling and lack of control and a abreeding ground for those who want to do us, the west, harm.

if anythign we should have support bashar, as distatseful as he may have been, to crush this rebellion.

it may not be a nice thing to say, but in the arab world strongman, unsavoury leaders are seemingly the only ones who can maintain any sort of widespread control and have a relatively stable society. democracy doesnt work.

libya, iraq, egypt, now syria, regime change, backed by the west is//has making the world a more dangerous place for the west, and ruining the impacted countries. sure these countries pockets of socerity were peresecuted and had crappy lives, but now the whole population of these countries are much worse off.

in these cases its a case of better the devil you know, be it saddam, gaddafi or bashar.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/Mayan Calendar?

Post by QuartzGooner »

the playing mantis wrote:
its mind boggling that the west wants to topple a secular, fairly stable, fairly 'onside' regime
1.) The West, and Russia, are not at all keen on chemical weapons being used.

2.) Assad has never been "Onside", nor stable, only relatively stable.
He is allied with Iran, and the Israelis had to bomb his attempts at nuclear power/arms a few years back.

3.) The Iranian connection is key, this is all part of the lead up to a confrontation with Iran over nuclear weapons, oil and how oil is traded.
We have been building up to it since the Shah was toppled, Iran fighting the US and the UK by a proxy war using Hezbollah, both militarily and economically.
Those IEDs that have killed so many British troops in Iraq..."Made In Iran".

4.) This is also part of a battle to supply Europe with gas.
The Russians have their pipeline, but the Sunni Qataris want to connect theirs to one in Turkey, through you guessed it...Syria.
They want Shia Assad out so that can happen.
The Russians want Assad in power so that this does not happen, or at least they want to get their say in who replaces Assad if he becomes untenable.

And the UK gets a lot of LPG from Qatar, and we sell them arms, so we are ready to listen to their aims.

Qatar backs The Muslim Brotherhood.

5.) Saudia Arabia is also Sunni, but backs the more extreme Wahabi rebels. Saudi Arabia is a fierce rival of Qatar, so whilst it wants Assad out, it is with the aim of keeping a lid on Qatari ambitions and also to promote it's own oil and gas supplies.

6.) The USA is relatively economically weaker than it has been for a long time, so whilst it has the technology to fight this war, the Gulf states have largely funded the fighting.
And I believe, held hitherto unprecedented influence over US government policy.

the playing mantis wrote:
it may not be a nice thing to say, but in the Arab world strongman, unsavoury leaders are seemingly the only ones who can maintain any sort of widespread control and have a relatively stable society. democracy doesnt work.

in these cases its a case of better the devil you know, be it saddam, gaddafi or bashar.
Historically there is something to be said for that view.
But Morocco shows a relatively more enlightened constitutional Monarchy can work, though the King is very powerful, and who would want to be a citizen of a country under one of these despots?

The Arab world appears to be going through it's attempts to practice democracy and in doing so has unleashed a lot of chaos.

(Just my view on things).

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/21.12.12

Post by the playing mantis »

interesting stuff quartz.

my simple and inarticulate view (not considering the oil/gas factors) is that we cant be a world policeman anymore. people may be terribly repressed by mad despots but im afraid i dont think thats our responsibility to fix that, if we are unsure of what will replace them.

in an ideal world we would step in and make things better for the oppressed, but if in doing so, it means we ourselves are put in more danger, because of the new environment in these countries that will allow religious extremism to breed, then we should stear clear.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/21.12.12

Post by QuartzGooner »


Nothing inarticulate about your view.

I think we have been a world policeman for hundreds of years, and continue to be so, but with American assistance.

We are no longer wealthy, but we punch above our weight:
A good fighter jet capability, good special forces, good combat regiments.
Very good signal intelligence, good human intelligence (usually).
Seven very tasty Type 45 Destroyers and four Nuclear Ballistic Missile submarines.

Like it or not we have been in a Cold War with Iran and her allies for three decades, the Parliamentary will to fight is not there but the Black Ops boys will be doing their stuff.

We are in danger anyway, we have no choice but to do something about it.

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Re: Iran "A" Bomb/Gog U Magog War/21.12.12

Post by the playing mantis »

quartz, but do you not think that by getting involved in these issues, we are a, creating more reasons for kuntslops to blow themselves up on the tube, and b, creating environemnts in these places we intervene that allow the training, and idealogy of jihadists to spread?

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