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Re: Religion

Post by QuartzGooner »

It is a complex war but if the enemy stands up and is obvious then the enemy should be attacked.
The enemy is not always obvious though.

This Muslim helped save Jews in the Kosher Deli in Paris ... .hydoM1113

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Re: Religion

Post by Arsenal Till I Die »

I am an atheist, I personally dislike the idea of religion and like some have said feel that we as a civilisation would be far more advanced than we are now had we never had religion.

To say religion is the root of all evil is a tad extreme but religion is just an excuse to be shitty with each other (obviously not all the time). ''I don't like your beliefs you're going to hell!'' ''I don't like your beliefs I'm going to kill you!'' what happened to ''love thy neighbor'' or tolerance etc?


I have no issue, whatsoever, with anyone who wishes to practice their religion, in fact I am very good friends with a practising Muslim and a practicing Sikh who both can't stand ''over religious'' people more than most, these include memebers of their own faith.

It i not just these Islamic extremists who are culpable in a lot of religions ignorance, it is bible bashing Christians who refuse to listen to different opinions, I had one work as a supply teacher at my secondary school who swore on the bible that dinosaurs didn't exist and Satan himself put their bones in the ground to trick us into thinking their was no god. By her logic, Jurassic Park was practically devil worship. Darwin was a demon from hell apparently and the reason we have so much suffering is because ''god works in mysterious ways.'' Every lesson she was put in charge of was taken over by her views of Christianity and God. I'm talking Science lessons, English lessons, Maths etc. Non-religious based subjects Says a lot for my secondary school in regard to who they employed :roll: :lol:

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Re: Religion

Post by Yankee_Gooner_Dandee »

GranadaJoe wrote:
Chippy wrote:
augie wrote:Getting back on point re events in paris, can I say that I agree with earlier suggestions that it is getting to the point where direct action needs to be taken against the muslims :evil: These fcukers are so fcuking arrogant and try and intimidate every non muslim regardless of what country or city that they are living in. If these c.unts find western society and it's moralities so offensive and disgusting, then why don't they fcuk back to whatever shithole they came from cos nobody would miss them that's for sure :roll: If peaceful muslims move into my country or your country or wherever, and they integrate themselves into local society whilst still remaining practicing muslims, then I would have no problems with that - however moving into another country/society and expecting the "locals" to conform to their ideologies is unfcukingacceptable :evil:
For us "peaceful westerners", we are now in a real conundrum - we know that non all muslims are extremists, but when we see one or two of them walking in our direction, how do we know where their beliefs lie ? The more aggressive muslims will delight in the unease that they are creating in their communities but the passive muslims make zero efforts to mediate and "rat" out their muslims terrorists buddies which makes them as culpable imo.

As a western society we need to be more aggressive in taking back control of our own countries - even though I would class myself as non aggressive, I would be very comfortable with any form of retribution that is taken against the muslims. The one thing that I am absolutely 100% in favour of, is direct action being taken against the likes of isis in their own backyards - these terrorists claim to be willing to sacrifice their lives over here when they are bombing and shooting up the place, but would they be willing to sacrifice the lives of their families back home ? These people need to see that if they take innocent lives over here, then western forces are willing to bomb neighbourhoods in their countries regardless of the innocence or guilt of the victims.
Wow Augie, I agree with you word for word on most of your footy posts but tthat is so far out there. :shock:

I've done a little exercise with your post. Imagine it is the 70s

Getting back on point re events in Guildford and Birmingham, can I say that I agree with earlier suggestions that it is getting to the point where direct action needs to be taken against the Irish :evil: These fcukers are so fcuking arrogant and try and intimidate every Englishman. If these c.unts find England and it's moralities so offensive and disgusting, then why don't they fcuk back to whatever shithole they came from cos nobody would miss them that's for sure :roll: If peaceful irish catholics move into my country or your country or wherever, and they integrate themselves into local society whilst still remaining practicing catholics then I would have no problems with that - however moving into another country/society and expecting the "locals" to conform to their ideologies is unfcukingacceptable :evil:
For us "peaceful English", we are now in a real conundrum - we know that not all Irish are extremists, but when we see one or two of them walking in our direction, how do we know where their beliefs lie ? The more aggressive Irish will delight in the unease that they are creating in their communities but the passive Irish make zero efforts to mediate and "rat" out their catholic terrorists buddies which makes them as culpable imo.

As a western society we need to be more aggressive in taking back control of our own country - even though I would class myself as non aggressive, I would be very comfortable with any form of retribution that is taken against the catholics. The one thing that I am absolutely 100% in favour of, is direct action being taken against the likes of the IRA in their own backyards - these terrorists claim to be willing to sacrifice their lives over here when they are bombing and shooting up the place, but would they be willing to sacrifice the lives of their families back home ? These people need to see that if they take innocent lives over here, then British forces are willing to bomb neighbourhoods in Ireland regardless of the innocence or guilt of the victims.

Reads well doesn't it. :evil:

Excellent response to a fascist, racist post. You got there before me. I suspect Hitler used similar rhetoric regarding the Jews.
I don't think his post was racist at all. Islam is not a race. Muslim is not a race.

There's nothing wrong with a culture of people immigrating into a new nation. What IS wrong however, is when they move in and start mass murdering people of other cultures that arent them. Sorry but something needs to be done before its too late.

I'm sure countless thousands of French nationals have fought and died for their freedom of speech throughout the recent history and in the last 10 years you have a million immigrants from north Africa or the Middle East occupying their country and trying to threaten the French citizens way of life. They already have large portions of their cities blocked off because its too dangerous for non-muslims to travel in those areas, the police dont even go there. How is that right? You're telling me they should just sit back and watch their entire culture become slowly devoured by Islam? This has nothing to do with Hitler exterminating Jews because he disliked them. This has to do with an entire religion preaching death to non-believers. You know why they all immigrate to Germany or France? Because their own countries fucking suck ass thats why. And if nothing is done, evntually France will be just as shitty.

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Re: Religion

Post by northbank123 »

ATID I agree with your point but there's quite a difference between ignorance regarding evolution and some of the more extreme 'cultural' practices.

Unfortunately despite all religions claiming to preach tolerance, ignorance and bigotry go hand in hand with proselytisation.

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Re: Religion

Post by Chippy »

Yankee_Gooner_Dandee wrote: There's nothing wrong with a culture of people immigrating into a new nation. What IS wrong however, is when they move in and start mass murdering people of other cultures that arent them. Sorry but something needs to be done before its too late.

I'm sure countless thousands of French nationals have fought and died for their freedom of speech throughout the recent history and in the last 10 years you have a million immigrants from north Africa or the Middle East occupying their country and trying to threaten the French citizens way of life. They already have large portions of their cities blocked off because its too dangerous for non-muslims to travel in those areas, the police dont even go there. How is that right? You're telling me they should just sit back and watch their entire culture become slowly devoured by Islam? This has nothing to do with Hitler exterminating Jews because he disliked them. This has to do with an entire religion preaching death to non-believers. You know why they all immigrate to Germany or France? Because their own countries fucking suck ass thats why. And if nothing is done, evntually France will be just as shitty.
Seriously old chap you really ought to learn some history. That first paragraph is so ironic that Alanis is rewriting her song. How do you think you live where you do. Europeans moved in and started mass murdering people of other cultures that aren't them.
Algeria, where these guys are from was a part of France until the 1960s. Indeed France fought a very nasty war to keep the muslim Algerians as part of their country. Most of the muslims in France are not immigrants but French citizens and according to the French constitution have to be French. Every where has it's ghettos and probably some of the worst are in the US.

This article helps explain some of the complexities. But yeah you and Augie are right, the solution is to shoot their asses. ... st-popular

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Re: Religion

Post by QuartzGooner »


Not scientificly proven in it's entirety.

It is responsible for really interesting discussion in Jewish circles.
I favour a middle ground theory whereby each species was created but then subsequently adapts to it's environment.

The Age of the Universe is another discussion.
World created in six days.
How did that happen!

Some say it is literal.
Some say that a "Day" in that sense represents an era of time rather than the 24 hours we have now.
If the sun, moon and stars were not created on the first "day" then how could time be the same in the early part of creation, as they are what were used to calculate time for many years until atomic clocks etc.

Others say the universe is almost 15 billion years old, and that dinosaurs and cavemen etc can be accounted for by very deep mystical interpretations of the first chapter of Genesis - that archaeology is valid but limited as the great floods stirred up the order of where things lie in the ground.
Cavemen related to an earlier world of chaotic emotions which some say is mentioned early in Genesis.

All very deep and gets complex but I keep an open mind on it all, what I do know about science is that we do not know all the answers and theories can get written then successfully challenged as discoveries happen.

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Re: Religion

Post by GranadaJoe »

The latest scientific research states that there are about 8.7 million different species in the world.

Did Noah get them all on the ark?

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Re: Religion

Post by QuartzGooner »

GranadaJoe wrote:The latest scientific research states that there are about 8.7 million different species in the world.

Did Noah get them all on the ark?
Yes, he got all of the species that existed at the time on the ark.

I have my beliefs and that is that.
I am not on this thread to argue them, or to convert someone.
Just to explain if needed as most here are not of my faith.

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Re: Religion

Post by northbank123 »

Imagine what the global economy would be like today if ship-building hadn't regressed so much in the last few millennia :shock:

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Re: Religion

Post by officepest »

I’ve just found this thread and was going to add my thoughts, but having read Granada Joe’s post I won’t bother.

A wonderful post to which I have nothing of worth to add.

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Re: Religion

Post by GranadaJoe »

northbank123 wrote:Imagine what the global economy would be like today if ship-building hadn't regressed so much in the last few millennia :shock:
For anyone's who's interested; a very funny (and pertinent) cartoon.

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Re: Religion

Post by REB »

i will never understand how intelligent people believe all the bollocks that religion comes out with, stories that have changed down the centuries depending on the political will of kings and rulers.

listen people

there is no such thing as a god and bigger fools you lot for thinking there is.

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Re: Religion

Post by rodders999 »

If you’re asking whether it’s more plausible that everything in the known universe including man was made by a supernatural being in 6 days, than from a massive explosion of matter that expanded and gradually became the known universe in all it’s beauty over the last 14 billion years? I don’t think so, no.

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Re: Religion

Post by olgitgooner »

"Moderate/westernised" Muslim guy speaks out. We need more like him....

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Re: Religion

Post by DarylAFC »

I just don't care.

I think it's all rubbish, other's don't. Just leave me out of it and, if you do some disgusting, unforgiveable act, don't use your faith to justify it.

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