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Post by goonersid »

With the utd game approaching and given current player availability, Arsene's team selection for this game will give an indication as to whether he has seen the error of his ways or as I expect remains "tunnel vision like". Firsrtly if Theo is fit he must be given his chance up front, rather than on the wing as we won't trouble Vidic and Ferdinand with crosses in the absence of Ade, and these two are much more susceptible on the ground, Theo picking up the ball and running at them or onto through balls from Fab (and maybe Ramsey or Wilshire) will be our best chance of getting something from the game.
This all however could be beside the point given our woeful problems at centre half with 4 centre halfs who can neither defend against high balls nor close down players running towards the penalty area, the game may already be up. In fact it's hard to make a case for any of them meriting a starting place on Saturday lets start with Gallas, he simply should never wear the shirt again so thats that "homesick for Chelski boy" out of the reckoning (everytime I open a newspaper he seems to be telling us how much better things where at Chelsea). Now for Kolo, I think Kolo needs a change of club to save his career, he was without doubt our worst performer last season typified by giving away numerous needless panalties and 3 shocking appearances against the Scousers at the end of the season. This leaves us with Silvestre and Johan, who I will plump for not on the grounds of ability but simply because they haven't done as much wrong as the other 2, a sorry situation indeed.
I myself live in Ireland, yet am fortunate enough to attend my fair share of games over the course of a season, but it is with trepidation that I will set off at the earliest of hours this coming Saturday, with the possibility of humiliation casting a dark shadow over any alcohol fuelled confidence, and the long hangover laden journey home on Sunday, then the moronic jibes form the armchair manure "fans" at work to look forward to on Monday. BUT YOU NEVER KNOW UP THE ARSE!

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Post by Highbury1965 »

which site is this from?


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Post by goonersid »

Highbury1965 wrote:which site is this from?


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Post by gooner_4_Life 1991 »

Highbury1965 wrote:which site is this from?

give the man a chance, he's just telling us his wories like most of us for this saturday. I for once am dreading this game what with us having no defensive side to our game at all and with berbatov, rooney & ronaldo coming at us it could be a long day.

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Post by augie »

One thing I do agree with is that all Gooner eyes do appear to be on the manure game already as evident in the fact that there are already more responses on the manure sticky than on the fernabache sticky even though the turks game is tonight :o

Personally I would want to play bedtner and vela up front but I doubt if wenger will even play with 2 up front :roll:

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Post by green gooner »

I believe we can at least take some heart from the FACT that Hull put THREE past Utd last week. We know all about Hull of course, however they scored two past us and one of those was a wonder goal!

I hold the belief that if you stand back and admire Utd then they will rape the ass of you. Go 4-4-2 and take the game to them. This is the time I would stick Kolo in the middle with Cesc so he can hound Rooney if he is on the ball and cover the defence.

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Post by woolwichgooner »

I'd love to see:

Song Fabregas Diaby
Waclcott Bendtner Vela

Attack is the best form of defence esp with us.

But we all know he's going to put Vela on the bench and go 4-5-1 with Denilson or something

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Post by Wayno »

If we can keep within three goals of them we will have done well :roll:

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