Its time to admit what is going on

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Its time to admit what is going on

Post by Goonanana »

Arsenal's £6m deal for Auxerre's Bakari Sagna may be off after current Gunner Matthieu Flamini said he is happy to play right-back. (Various newspapers)

What on earth is going on at Arsenal Football club! This is ridiculous, did we have a negative transfer budget for this season?

With the departure of Henry and Alliadiere plus the massive £30million odd from the new TV revenue, not to mention the £22 million we got from the Champions league, where has all this money gone!

We are clearly in dire financial difficulty or have lost all ambition whatsoever! Moving Flamini to right back are you bloody joking!! Can you seriously expect us to challenge for honours like this! buying unheard of 17 year olds and making our squad players learn a new positions just to fill gaps rather than spend just 6 million on a quality full back!

Give me strength!

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Post by U.F.G Anfield '89 »

did you not see how he performed in the champions league when playing at right back, he's the best player for us in that position, he just didn't want to play there for some unknown reason, if we have flamini at right back i don't see why we need anyone else.

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Post by RaM »

Transfer markets are always such confusing times...

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Post by Robsy »

Flamini can easily slot in at the back. It's good to hear he wants to stay.

There aren't any major problems at the club, stop believing the rubbish in the press. We're going through a transition stage, new ground, new flats to be built and a young team.

But change doesn't mean crisis.

Have a bit of faith.

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Post by donaldo »

This is crazy.I thought Flamini didn"t want to play left back last season when Clichy was injured.Now all of a sudden he has changed his mind.Just sell him and buy Sagna.


Post by daz10_uk »

Have i missed something but isnt Eboue our right back?

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Post by northerngooner »

Maybe Grimandi has already started moving his gear in and clattered Flamini into agreeing to stay after all? :D

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My boss says, shit hapens.

Post by Drone »

Yep he used to live about 15 years in London and watched a lot of Arsenal, and is a great fan of Arsene. You know why? Because he is the same, he trys to get the best for cheap. About Falamini: he aint bad at right back, but midfield remember who lost the ball just seconds before we concieded the first goal in Champions League final against Barca, and he just got in the game.
Right Back or Right Cash.

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Re: Its time to admit what is going on

Post by Gunnerz4life »

I am having doubts about our transfer budget as well but from a different perspective. This whole Carlos Tevez thing is kind of showed our lack of ambition to bring in a proven talent to the Grove. We spent 8 million on Eduardo which might well turn out to be another of Arsene's long list of good business deals and we bought Fabianski and Nordveit for lets say peanuts. One would think that with an about 15 million transfer budget and the money received from the sale of players there should be enough in the kitty to make a genuine bid for Tevez and match Manscum's 20 million pound bid. So either Arsene wasnt given enough and he has to rely on the money we got from the Henry sale or he does not think Tevez is worth 20 million which he might not be. I dont think thats an attitude that will bring us success. Having fantastic young talent and all that is great, but i dont think it will put us in a better position when other clubs are going out there and spending millions buying the best players in the world each year. We will not be able to compete for trophies by simply relying on the young talent maturing unless we mix them with proven world class players. So given that Arsene still has money to spend and want to spend the money demanded for Tevez on a couple of players like Obafemi Martins and someone else, will that really be a step forward or a guranteed success?

Lets not forget what Arsene said last season, he wanted to buy a couple of super super class players. Then he changed his tune and it does not take a space scientist to figure out what made him change his tune. Theres no point in living in the 1970s and thinking that money isnt important and we will be able to win leagues and european championships relying on our home grown players. We need the right investment in players if we want to take the club forward and the only way a club can go forward is by winning things.

I wanted to post this in the arseblog thread but i think this thread is ideal for it. Theres no point in demonising Stan Kroenke and David Dean. Theres no point in thinking that DD has alterior motives in trying to bring in Kroenke. It might very well be that Dean realised the need of an investor. I feel the club and a lot of the fans including me can tough talk about how we do not want someone like Kroenke is cause of the Highbury project. But if in a couple of years the money from the highbury project is not invested in players then we have to wonder what is happening at the club and question the board about their seriousness to bring success. We need to keep our options open and live with the times.

To end this, i know its quite possible that the boys win the league next year and that will seriously rub my nose in the dirt. Trust me i pray for it to happen.

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Post by we_are_the_arsenal »

Did flamini actually say this? its media speculation, we got plenty of time before the transer window closes, just relax.

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Post by augie »

Now we are talking about returning flamini(a midfielder) to defense ? We were already talking about moving eboue(a defender) to right midfield and we play 2 centre-midfielders (rosicky & hleb) on the wings. This is typical Arsenal and I don't believe it is wengers fault. There has to be a clear lack of transfer cash in the club and if so surely by telling the fans (that buy tickets and merchandise) that there is plenty of funds available to Arsene would be classed as false advertisment. I would like to know if the layman shareholders that attend the club AGM's ask proper questions about the transfer cash available and if they receive proper answers or just the usual party line saying there is plenty in the pot. I cannot believe that torres went for £20m and we didnt go for him when we had a player they wanted at that time in reyes. We cannot expect wenger to keep pulling miracles from his bag of tricks and I think the board is taking liberties with him now. We need an outside investor of that there is no doubt and for gods sake buy a proper winger like queresma cos all around is our rivals are buying quality players while we are, by and large, standing still. I said at the time signing eduardo wouldn't be enough and I think once the euphoria of actually signing a player dies down with the fans the vast majority will also be getting jittery about a lack of signings

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Post by Goonanana »

This is exactly what worries me, terms like:

Slot in or he's an alright right back

Yes I agree he had some good games in the Champions league cup run a fair while ago. Don't get me wrong I like the player, and as a squad player I'd have no problem with him filling it at right back in an injury crisis but that's not what Champions League and Premier Leaguie winning clubs are about. We need a world class right back, not a good all round player who played quite well for 5 or so games when shoved there in a cup run!

To say he is the best player at the club in that position is your opinion which is fair enough, but surely that means that both Eboue and Hoyte are a pretty average standard and so at least they need to be replaced??

Flamini is not a world class right back, neither is Eboue or Hoyte, to me that would be a choice of 3 fairly decent mid table right backs, maybe in a couple of yeasr Eboue or Hoyte could be world class or super class as Le boss puts it, but the time is now. We have finished 4th for the last two seasons and are going no where fast! This should be completely unacceptable to the Board and they should pull their finger out accordingly before its too late and we miss out on the CL this season and find ourselves 30 mill out of pocket to the benefit of a rival premiership club.

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Post by Goonanana »

Yes I concede at this stage it is still gossip but I generally find when several papers all run the same story on the same day without previous hints that it might happen then it usually has an element of truth

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Post by donaldo »

I was looking forward to Sanga signing for us because it meant the penny had finally dropped with Arsene that Eboue cant defend(where have i heard that before?).He was a liability last season with his lack of concentration. We need defenders who can defend.

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Post by Eboue Can't Defend »

I'm thinking of copy-righting and registering the phrase 'Eboue Can't Defend' with the appropriate authorities, and then charging for the use of that term. Should make a bloody fortune!! :wink: :lol:

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