In Praise of Declan Rice: Arsenal's world class midfielder

Declan Rice has cemented a core of control and power in the middle of the park and balances the team writes Thomas Dow

In Praise of Declan Rice: Arsenal's world class midfielder

When Declan Rice attacks he does so with such pace and power he is very difficult to stop - a frightening combination built on his physicality says Thomas Dow

Declan Rice, what more is there left to say?

Not only is he a fabulous footballer, but he also lived the dream on Sunday by wearing an Arsenal shirt and kicking a Tottenham player right in the spuds!

We no doubt would be having a very different conversation had that proved costly, but retrospectively we can just look back at it and laugh.

After his outstanding performance against West Ham United earlier in the year, I wrote about the transformative nature of his arrival at the club.

Since then he has stepped up to another level with regards to his goal contributions.

In fact, since the turn of the year, he has provided either a goal or an assist on ten occasions.

He has been pivotal to Arsenal's push for the title, and has shown that when his attacking prowess is questioned, he can step up to really make a difference. 

When he arrived, I remember Graeme Souness questioning the number of goals he scored from his deep-lying midfield role, a remark that I found completely missed the point of his signing and role.

He was signed to be that player to give us control in midfield, but he has completely surpassed this expectation.

Rice has proved that he can add goals to his performances, albeit in a slightly different role to potentially the one we first thought he was brought for.

His numbers speak for themselves, but it has been his duel deployment as both an eight and a six that have prompted conversations about where his best position actually is. 

Had Thomas Partey been available and fit like he has been in recent games throughout the campaign, it is likely that we would have seen Rice more often in the left-eight role, but through necessity, he has spent much of the season in the deeper six.

It doesn't take a genius to see that in a more attacking position, he is more likely to contribute at the top end, but what is does highlight is just how adaptable Rice is. 

Make no mistake, transitioning between the two roles is not simple, yet Rice effortlessly switches between them.

It's a testament to his footballing intelligence and hard work that he is able to do so. 

When defending, he covers so much ground to suffocate opponents and sweeps up after those around him. He retrieves the ball and moves it forward to those in better positions.

When he attacks though, he does so with such pace and power that he is very difficult to stop. It's a frightening combination built on his physicality. 

If Arsenal defy the odds and clinch the title, Rice will have been a key component to that.

He is the one who has cemented a core of control and power in the middle of the park. He balances the team.

As supporters, we've witnessed some turbulent midfield displays over the past decade.

We now though, have a match for anyone.

His name is Declan Rice.

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